module radconstants ! This module contains constants that are specific to the radiative transfer ! code used in the RRTMG model. use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use abortutils, only: endrun implicit none private save ! SHORTWAVE DATA ! number of shorwave spectral intervals integer, parameter, public :: nswbands = 14 integer, parameter, public :: nbndsw = 14 ! Wavenumbers of band boundaries ! ! Note: Currently rad_solar_var extends the lowest band down to ! 100 cm^-1 if it is too high to cover the far-IR. Any changes meant ! to affect IR solar variability should take note of this. real(r8),parameter :: wavenum_low(nbndsw) = & ! in cm^-1 (/2600._r8, 3250._r8, 4000._r8, 4650._r8, 5150._r8, 6150._r8, 7700._r8, & 8050._r8,12850._r8,16000._r8,22650._r8,29000._r8,38000._r8, 820._r8/) real(r8),parameter :: wavenum_high(nbndsw) = & ! in cm^-1 (/3250._r8, 4000._r8, 4650._r8, 5150._r8, 6150._r8, 7700._r8, 8050._r8, & 12850._r8,16000._r8,22650._r8,29000._r8,38000._r8,50000._r8, 2600._r8/) ! Solar irradiance at 1 A.U. in W/m^2 assumed by radiation code ! Rescaled so that sum is precisely 1368.22 and fractional amounts sum to 1.0 real(r8), parameter :: solar_ref_band_irradiance(nbndsw) = & (/ & 12.11_r8, 20.3600000000001_r8, 23.73_r8, & 22.43_r8, 55.63_r8, 102.93_r8, 24.29_r8, & 345.74_r8, 218.19_r8, 347.20_r8, & 129.49_r8, 50.15_r8, 3.08_r8, 12.89_r8 & /) ! None of the following comment appears to be the case any more? This ! should be reevalutated and/or removed. ! rrtmg (coarse) reference solar flux in rrtmg is initialized as the following ! reference data inside rrtmg seems to indicate 1366.44 instead ! This data references 1366.442114152342 !real(r8), parameter :: solar_ref_band_irradiance(nbndsw) = & ! (/ & ! 12.10956827000000_r8, 20.36508467999999_r8, 23.72973826333333_r8, & ! 22.42769644333333_r8, 55.62661262000000_r8, 102.9314315544444_r8, 24.29361887666667_r8, & ! 345.7425138000000_r8, 218.1870300666667_r8, 347.1923147000001_r8, & ! 129.4950181200000_r8, 48.37217043000000_r8, 3.079938997898001_r8, 12.88937733000000_r8 & ! /) ! Kurucz (fine) reference would seem to imply the following but the above values are from rrtmg_sw_init ! (/12.109559, 20.365097, 23.729752, 22.427697, 55.626622, 102.93142, 24.293593, & ! 345.73655, 218.18416, 347.18406, 129.49407, 50.147238, 3.1197130, 12.793834 /) ! These are indices to the band for diagnostic output integer, parameter, public :: idx_sw_diag = 10 ! index to sw visible band integer, parameter, public :: idx_nir_diag = 8 ! index to sw near infrared (778-1240 nm) band integer, parameter, public :: idx_uv_diag = 11 ! index to sw uv (345-441 nm) band integer, parameter, public :: rrtmg_sw_cloudsim_band = 9 ! rrtmg band for .67 micron ! Number of evenly spaced intervals in rh ! The globality of this mesh may not be necessary ! Perhaps it could be specific to the aerosol ! But it is difficult to see how refined it must be ! for lookup. This value was found to be sufficient ! for Sulfate and probably necessary to resolve the ! high variation near rh = 1. Alternative methods ! were found to be too slow. ! Optimal approach would be for cam to specify size of aerosol ! based on each aerosol's characteristics. Radiation ! should know nothing about hygroscopic growth! integer, parameter, public :: nrh = 1000 ! LONGWAVE DATA ! These are indices to the band for diagnostic output integer, parameter, public :: idx_lw_diag = 7 ! index to (H20 window) LW band integer, parameter, public :: rrtmg_lw_cloudsim_band = 6 ! rrtmg band for 10.5 micron ! number of lw bands integer, parameter, public :: nlwbands = 16 integer, parameter, public :: nbndlw = 16 real(r8), parameter, public :: wavenumber1_longwave(nlwbands) = &! Longwave spectral band limits (cm-1) !BSINGH - Added public attribute for rad diags (/ 10._r8, 350._r8, 500._r8, 630._r8, 700._r8, 820._r8, 980._r8, 1080._r8, & 1180._r8, 1390._r8, 1480._r8, 1800._r8, 2080._r8, 2250._r8, 2390._r8, 2600._r8 /) real(r8), parameter :: wavenumber2_longwave(nlwbands) = &! Longwave spectral band limits (cm-1) (/ 350._r8, 500._r8, 630._r8, 700._r8, 820._r8, 980._r8, 1080._r8, 1180._r8, & 1390._r8, 1480._r8, 1800._r8, 2080._r8, 2250._r8, 2390._r8, 2600._r8, 3250._r8 /) !These can go away when old camrt disappears ! Index of volc. abs., H2O non-window integer, public, parameter :: idx_LW_H2O_NONWND=1 ! Index of volc. abs., H2O window integer, public, parameter :: idx_LW_H2O_WINDOW=2 ! Index of volc. cnt. abs. 0500--0650 cm-1 integer, public, parameter :: idx_LW_0500_0650=3 ! Index of volc. cnt. abs. 0650--0800 cm-1 integer, public, parameter :: idx_LW_0650_0800=4 ! Index of volc. cnt. abs. 0800--1000 cm-1 integer, public, parameter :: idx_LW_0800_1000=5 ! Index of volc. cnt. abs. 1000--1200 cm-1 integer, public, parameter :: idx_LW_1000_1200=6 ! Index of volc. cnt. abs. 1200--2000 cm-1 integer, public, parameter :: idx_LW_1200_2000=7 ! GASES TREATED BY RADIATION (line spectrae) ! gasses required by radiation integer, public, parameter :: gasnamelength = 5 integer, public, parameter :: nradgas = 8 character(len=gasnamelength), public, parameter :: gaslist(nradgas) & = (/'H2O ','O3 ', 'O2 ', 'CO2 ', 'N2O ', 'CH4 ', 'CFC11', 'CFC12'/) ! what is the minimum mass mixing ratio that can be supported by radiation implementation? real(r8), public, parameter :: minmmr(nradgas) & = epsilon(1._r8) ! Length of "optics type" string specified in optics files. integer, parameter, public :: ot_length = 32 public :: rad_gas_index public :: get_number_sw_bands, & get_sw_spectral_boundaries, & get_lw_spectral_boundaries, & get_ref_solar_band_irrad, & get_ref_total_solar_irrad, & get_solar_band_fraction_irrad contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_solar_band_fraction_irrad(fractional_irradiance) ! provide Solar Irradiance for each band in RRTMG ! fraction of solar irradiance in each band real(r8), intent(out) :: fractional_irradiance(1:nswbands) real(r8) :: tsi ! total solar irradiance tsi = sum(solar_ref_band_irradiance) fractional_irradiance = solar_ref_band_irradiance / tsi end subroutine get_solar_band_fraction_irrad !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_ref_total_solar_irrad(tsi) ! provide Total Solar Irradiance assumed by RRTMG real(r8), intent(out) :: tsi tsi = sum(solar_ref_band_irradiance) end subroutine get_ref_total_solar_irrad !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_ref_solar_band_irrad( band_irrad ) ! solar irradiance in each band (W/m^2) real(r8), intent(out) :: band_irrad(nswbands) band_irrad = solar_ref_band_irradiance end subroutine get_ref_solar_band_irrad !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_number_sw_bands(number_of_bands) ! number of solar (shortwave) bands in the rrtmg code integer, intent(out) :: number_of_bands number_of_bands = nswbands end subroutine get_number_sw_bands !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_lw_spectral_boundaries(low_boundaries, high_boundaries, units) ! provide spectral boundaries of each longwave band real(r8), intent(out) :: low_boundaries(nlwbands), high_boundaries(nlwbands) character(*), intent(in) :: units ! requested units select case (units) case ('inv_cm','cm^-1','cm-1') low_boundaries = wavenumber1_longwave high_boundaries = wavenumber2_longwave case('m','meter','meters') low_boundaries = 1.e-2_r8/wavenumber2_longwave high_boundaries = 1.e-2_r8/wavenumber1_longwave case('nm','nanometer','nanometers') low_boundaries = 1.e7_r8/wavenumber2_longwave high_boundaries = 1.e7_r8/wavenumber1_longwave case('um','micrometer','micrometers','micron','microns') low_boundaries = 1.e4_r8/wavenumber2_longwave high_boundaries = 1.e4_r8/wavenumber1_longwave case('cm','centimeter','centimeters') low_boundaries = 1._r8/wavenumber2_longwave high_boundaries = 1._r8/wavenumber1_longwave case default call endrun('get_lw_spectral_boundaries: spectral units not acceptable'//units) end select end subroutine get_lw_spectral_boundaries !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_sw_spectral_boundaries(low_boundaries, high_boundaries, units) ! provide spectral boundaries of each shortwave band real(r8), intent(out) :: low_boundaries(nswbands), high_boundaries(nswbands) character(*), intent(in) :: units ! requested units select case (units) case ('inv_cm','cm^-1','cm-1') low_boundaries = wavenum_low high_boundaries = wavenum_high case('m','meter','meters') low_boundaries = 1.e-2_r8/wavenum_high high_boundaries = 1.e-2_r8/wavenum_low case('nm','nanometer','nanometers') low_boundaries = 1.e7_r8/wavenum_high high_boundaries = 1.e7_r8/wavenum_low case('um','micrometer','micrometers','micron','microns') low_boundaries = 1.e4_r8/wavenum_high high_boundaries = 1.e4_r8/wavenum_low case('cm','centimeter','centimeters') low_boundaries = 1._r8/wavenum_high high_boundaries = 1._r8/wavenum_low case default call endrun('rad_constants.F90: spectral units not acceptable'//units) end select end subroutine get_sw_spectral_boundaries !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer function rad_gas_index(gasname) ! return the index in the gaslist array of the specified gasname character(len=*),intent(in) :: gasname integer :: igas rad_gas_index = -1 do igas = 1, nradgas if (trim(gaslist(igas)).eq.trim(gasname)) then rad_gas_index = igas return endif enddo call endrun ("rad_gas_index: can not find gas with name "//gasname) end function rad_gas_index end module radconstants