subroutine miev0 ( xx, crefin, perfct, mimcut, anyang, $ numang, xmu, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, prnt, $ qext, qsca, gqsc, pmom, sforw, sback, s1, $ s2, tforw, tback ) c c computes mie scattering and extinction efficiencies; asymmetry c factor; forward- and backscatter amplitude; scattering c amplitudes for incident polarization parallel and perpendicular c to the plane of scattering, as functions of scattering angle; c coefficients in the legendre polynomial expansions of either the c unpolarized phase function or the polarized phase matrix; c and some quantities needed in polarized radiative transfer. c c calls : biga, ckinmi, small1, small2, testmi, miprnt, c lpcoef, errmsg c c i n t e r n a l v a r i a b l e s c ----------------------------------- c c an,bn mie coefficients little-a-sub-n, little-b-sub-n c ( ref. 1, eq. 16 ) c anm1,bnm1 mie coefficients little-a-sub-(n-1), c little-b-sub-(n-1); used in -gqsc- sum c anp coeffs. in s+ expansion ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) c bnp coeffs. in s- expansion ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) c anpm coeffs. in s+ expansion ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) c when mu is replaced by - mu c bnpm coeffs. in s- expansion ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) c when mu is replaced by - mu c calcmo(k) true, calculate moments for k-th phase quantity c (derived from -ipolzn-; used only in 'lpcoef') c cbiga(n) bessel function ratio capital-a-sub-n (ref. 2, eq. 2) c ( complex version ) c cior complex index of refraction with negative c imaginary part (van de hulst convention) c cioriv 1 / cior c coeff ( 2n + 1 ) / ( n ( n + 1 ) ) c fn floating point version of index in loop performing c mie series summation c lita,litb(n) mie coefficients -an-, -bn-, saved in arrays for c use in calculating legendre moments *pmom* c maxtrm max. possible no. of terms in mie series c mm + 1 and - 1, alternately. c mim magnitude of imaginary refractive index c mre real part of refractive index c maxang max. possible value of input variable -numang- c nangd2 (numang+1)/2 ( no. of angles in 0-90 deg; anyang=f ) c noabs true, sphere non-absorbing (determined by -mimcut-) c np1dn ( n + 1 ) / n c npquan highest-numbered phase quantity for which moments are c to be calculated (the largest digit in -ipolzn- c if ipolzn .ne. 0) c ntrm no. of terms in mie series c pass1 true on first entry, false thereafter; for self-test c pin(j) angular function little-pi-sub-n ( ref. 2, eq. 3 ) c at j-th angle c pinm1(j) little-pi-sub-(n-1) ( see -pin- ) at j-th angle c psinm1 ricatti-bessel function psi-sub-(n-1), argument -xx- c psin ricatti-bessel function psi-sub-n of argument -xx- c ( ref. 1, p. 11 ff. ) c rbiga(n) bessel function ratio capital-a-sub-n (ref. 2, eq. 2) c ( real version, for when imag refrac index = 0 ) c rioriv 1 / mre c rn 1 / n c rtmp (real) temporary variable c sp(j) s+ for j-th angle ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) c sm(j) s- for j-th angle ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) c sps(j) s+ for (numang+1-j)-th angle ( anyang=false ) c sms(j) s- for (numang+1-j)-th angle ( anyang=false ) c taun angular function little-tau-sub-n ( ref. 2, eq. 4 ) c at j-th angle c tcoef n ( n+1 ) ( 2n+1 ) (for summing tforw,tback series) c twonp1 2n + 1 c yesang true if scattering amplitudes are to be calculated c zetnm1 ricatti-bessel function zeta-sub-(n-1) of argument c -xx- ( ref. 2, eq. 17 ) c zetn ricatti-bessel function zeta-sub-n of argument -xx- c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c -------- i / o specifications for subroutine miev0 ----------------- c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none logical anyang, perfct, prnt(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, numang, nmom real*8 gqsc, mimcut, pmom( 0:momdim, * ), qext, qsca, $ xmu(*), xx complex*16 crefin, sforw, sback, s1(*), s2(*), tforw(*), $ tback(*) integer maxang,mxang2,maxtrm real*8 onethr c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c parameter ( maxang = 501, mxang2 = maxang/2 + 1 ) c c ** note -- maxtrm = 10100 is neces- c ** sary to do some of the test probs, c ** but 1100 is sufficient for most c ** conceivable applications parameter ( maxtrm = 1100 ) parameter ( onethr = 1./3. ) c logical anysav, calcmo(4), noabs, ok, pass1, persav, yesang integer npquan integer i,j,n,nmosav,iposav,numsav,ntrm,nangd2 real*8 mim, mimsav, mre, mm, np1dn real*8 rioriv,xmusav,xxsav,sq,fn,rn,twonp1,tcoef, coeff real*8 xinv,psinm1,chinm1,psin,chin,rtmp,taun real*8 rbiga( maxtrm ), pin( maxang ), pinm1( maxang ) complex*16 an, bn, anm1, bnm1, anp, bnp, anpm, bnpm, cresav, $ cior, cioriv, ctmp, zet, zetnm1, zetn complex*16 cbiga( maxtrm ), lita( maxtrm ), litb( maxtrm ), $ sp( maxang ), sm( maxang ), sps( mxang2 ), sms( mxang2 ) equivalence ( cbiga, rbiga ) save pass1 sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 data pass1 / .true. / c c if ( pass1 ) then c ** save certain user input values xxsav = xx cresav = crefin mimsav = mimcut persav = perfct anysav = anyang nmosav = nmom iposav = ipolzn numsav = numang xmusav = xmu( 1 ) c ** reset input values for test case xx = 10.0 crefin = ( 1.5, - 0.1 ) perfct = .false. mimcut = 0.0 anyang = .true. numang = 1 xmu( 1 )= - 0.7660444 nmom = 1 ipolzn = - 1 c end if c ** check input and calculate c ** certain variables from input c 10 call ckinmi( numang, maxang, xx, perfct, crefin, momdim, $ nmom, ipolzn, anyang, xmu, calcmo, npquan ) c if ( perfct .and. xx .le. 0.1 ) then c ** use totally-reflecting c ** small-particle limit c call small1 ( xx, numang, xmu, qext, qsca, gqsc, sforw, $ sback, s1, s2, tforw, tback, lita, litb ) ntrm = 2 go to 200 end if c if ( .not.perfct ) then c cior = crefin if ( dimag( cior ) .gt. 0.0 ) cior = dconjg( cior ) mre = dble( cior ) mim = - dimag( cior ) noabs = mim .le. mimcut cioriv = 1.0 / cior rioriv = 1.0 / mre c if ( xx * dmax1( 1.d0, cdabs(cior) ) .le. 0.d1 ) then c c ** use general-refractive-index c ** small-particle limit c ** ( ref. 2, p. 1508 ) c call small2 ( xx, cior, .not.noabs, numang, xmu, qext, $ qsca, gqsc, sforw, sback, s1, s2, tforw, $ tback, lita, litb ) ntrm = 2 go to 200 end if c end if c nangd2 = ( numang + 1 ) / 2 yesang = numang .gt. 0 c ** estimate number of terms in mie series c ** ( ref. 2, p. 1508 ) if ( xx.le.8.0 ) then ntrm = xx + 4. * xx**onethr + 1. else if ( ) then ntrm = xx + 4.05 * xx**onethr + 2. else ntrm = xx + 4. * xx**onethr + 2. end if if ( ntrm+1 .gt. maxtrm ) $ call errmsg( 'miev0--parameter maxtrm too small', .true. ) c c ** calculate logarithmic derivatives of c ** j-bessel-fcn., big-a-sub-(1 to ntrm) if ( .not.perfct ) $ call biga( cior, xx, ntrm, noabs, yesang, rbiga, cbiga ) c c ** initialize ricatti-bessel functions c ** (psi,chi,zeta)-sub-(0,1) for upward c ** recurrence ( ref. 1, eq. 19 ) xinv = 1.0 / xx psinm1 = dsin( xx ) chinm1 = dcos( xx ) psin = psinm1 * xinv - chinm1 chin = chinm1 * xinv + psinm1 zetnm1 = dcmplx( psinm1, chinm1 ) zetn = dcmplx( psin, chin ) c ** initialize previous coeffi- c ** cients for -gqsc- series anm1 = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) bnm1 = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) c ** initialize angular function little-pi c ** and sums for s+, s- ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) if ( anyang ) then do 60 j = 1, numang pinm1( j ) = 0.0 pin( j ) = 1.0 sp ( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) sm ( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) 60 continue else do 70 j = 1, nangd2 pinm1( j ) = 0.0 pin( j ) = 1.0 sp ( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) sm ( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) sps( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) sms( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) 70 continue end if c ** initialize mie sums for efficiencies, etc. qsca = 0.0 gqsc = 0.0 sforw = ( 0., 0. ) sback = ( 0., 0. ) tforw( 1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) tback( 1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) c c c --------- loop to sum mie series ----------------------------------- c mm = + 1.0 do 100 n = 1, ntrm c ** compute various numerical coefficients fn = n rn = 1.0 / fn np1dn = 1.0 + rn twonp1 = 2 * n + 1 coeff = twonp1 / ( fn * ( n + 1 ) ) tcoef = twonp1 * ( fn * ( n + 1 ) ) c c ** calculate mie series coefficients if ( perfct ) then c ** totally-reflecting case c an = ( ( fn*xinv ) * psin - psinm1 ) / $ ( ( fn*xinv ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) bn = psin / zetn c else if ( noabs ) then c ** no-absorption case c an = ( ( rioriv*rbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * psin - psinm1 ) $ / ( ( rioriv*rbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) bn = ( ( mre * rbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * psin - psinm1 ) $ / ( ( mre * rbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) else c ** absorptive case c an = ( ( cioriv * cbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * psin - psinm1 ) $ /( ( cioriv * cbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) bn = ( ( cior * cbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * psin - psinm1 ) $ /( ( cior * cbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) qsca = qsca + twonp1 * ( sq( an ) + sq( bn ) ) c end if c ** save mie coefficients for *pmom* calculation lita( n ) = an litb( n ) = bn c ** increment mie sums for non-angle- c ** dependent quantities c sforw = sforw + twonp1 * ( an + bn ) tforw( 1 ) = tforw( 1 ) + tcoef * ( an - bn ) sback = sback + ( mm * twonp1 ) * ( an - bn ) tback( 1 ) = tback( 1 ) + ( mm * tcoef ) * ( an + bn ) gqsc = gqsc + ( fn - rn ) * dble( anm1 * dconjg( an ) $ + bnm1 * dconjg( bn ) ) $ + coeff * dble( an * dconjg( bn ) ) c if ( yesang ) then c ** put mie coefficients in form c ** needed for computing s+, s- c ** ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) anp = coeff * ( an + bn ) bnp = coeff * ( an - bn ) c ** increment mie sums for s+, s- c ** while upward recursing c ** angular functions little pi c ** and little tau if ( anyang ) then c ** arbitrary angles c c ** vectorizable loop do 80 j = 1, numang rtmp = ( xmu( j ) * pin( j ) ) - pinm1( j ) taun = fn * rtmp - pinm1( j ) sp( j ) = sp( j ) + anp * ( pin( j ) + taun ) sm( j ) = sm( j ) + bnp * ( pin( j ) - taun ) pinm1( j ) = pin( j ) pin( j ) = ( xmu( j ) * pin( j ) ) + np1dn * rtmp 80 continue c else c ** angles symmetric about 90 degrees anpm = mm * anp bnpm = mm * bnp c ** vectorizable loop do 90 j = 1, nangd2 rtmp = ( xmu( j ) * pin( j ) ) - pinm1( j ) taun = fn * rtmp - pinm1( j ) sp ( j ) = sp ( j ) + anp * ( pin( j ) + taun ) sms( j ) = sms( j ) + bnpm * ( pin( j ) + taun ) sm ( j ) = sm ( j ) + bnp * ( pin( j ) - taun ) sps( j ) = sps( j ) + anpm * ( pin( j ) - taun ) pinm1( j ) = pin( j ) pin( j ) = ( xmu( j ) * pin( j ) ) + np1dn * rtmp 90 continue c end if end if c ** update relevant quantities for next c ** pass through loop mm = - mm anm1 = an bnm1 = bn c ** upward recurrence for ricatti-bessel c ** functions ( ref. 1, eq. 17 ) c zet = ( twonp1 * xinv ) * zetn - zetnm1 zetnm1 = zetn zetn = zet psinm1 = psin psin = dble( zetn ) 100 continue c c ---------- end loop to sum mie series -------------------------------- c c qext = 2. / xx**2 * dble( sforw ) if ( perfct .or. noabs ) then qsca = qext else qsca = 2. / xx**2 * qsca end if c gqsc = 4. / xx**2 * gqsc sforw = 0.5 * sforw sback = 0.5 * sback tforw( 2 ) = 0.5 * ( sforw + 0.25 * tforw( 1 ) ) tforw( 1 ) = 0.5 * ( sforw - 0.25 * tforw( 1 ) ) tback( 2 ) = 0.5 * ( sback + 0.25 * tback( 1 ) ) tback( 1 ) = 0.5 * ( - sback + 0.25 * tback( 1 ) ) c if ( yesang ) then c ** recover scattering amplitudes c ** from s+, s- ( ref. 1, eq. 11 ) if ( anyang ) then c ** vectorizable loop do 110 j = 1, numang s1( j ) = 0.5 * ( sp( j ) + sm( j ) ) s2( j ) = 0.5 * ( sp( j ) - sm( j ) ) 110 continue c else c ** vectorizable loop do 120 j = 1, nangd2 s1( j ) = 0.5 * ( sp( j ) + sm( j ) ) s2( j ) = 0.5 * ( sp( j ) - sm( j ) ) 120 continue c ** vectorizable loop do 130 j = 1, nangd2 s1( numang+1 - j ) = 0.5 * ( sps( j ) + sms( j ) ) s2( numang+1 - j ) = 0.5 * ( sps( j ) - sms( j ) ) 130 continue end if c end if c ** calculate legendre moments 200 if ( ) $ call lpcoef ( ntrm, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, npquan, $ lita, litb, pmom ) c if ( dimag(crefin) .gt. 0.0 ) then c ** take complex conjugates c ** of scattering amplitudes sforw = dconjg( sforw ) sback = dconjg( sback ) do 210 i = 1, 2 tforw( i ) = dconjg( tforw(i) ) tback( i ) = dconjg( tback(i) ) 210 continue c do 220 j = 1, numang s1( j ) = dconjg( s1(j) ) s2( j ) = dconjg( s2(j) ) 220 continue c end if c if ( pass1 ) then c ** compare test case results with c ** correct answers and abort if bad c call testmi ( qext, qsca, gqsc, sforw, sback, s1, s2, $ tforw, tback, pmom, momdim, ok ) if ( .not. ok ) then prnt(1) = .false. prnt(2) = .false. call miprnt( prnt, xx, perfct, crefin, numang, xmu, qext, $ qsca, gqsc, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, $ pmom, sforw, sback, tforw, tback, s1, s2 ) call errmsg( 'miev0 -- self-test failed', .true. ) end if c ** restore user input values xx = xxsav crefin = cresav mimcut = mimsav perfct = persav anyang = anysav nmom = nmosav ipolzn = iposav numang = numsav xmu(1) = xmusav pass1 = .false. go to 10 c end if c if ( prnt(1) .or. prnt(2) ) $ call miprnt( prnt, xx, perfct, crefin, numang, xmu, qext, $ qsca, gqsc, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, $ pmom, sforw, sback, tforw, tback, s1, s2 ) c return c end subroutine ckinmi( numang, maxang, xx, perfct, crefin, momdim, $ nmom, ipolzn, anyang, xmu, calcmo, npquan ) c c check for bad input to 'miev0' and calculate -calcmo,npquan- c implicit none logical perfct, anyang, calcmo(*) integer numang, maxang, momdim, nmom, ipolzn, npquan real*8 xx, xmu(*) integer i,l,j,ip complex*16 crefin c character*4 string logical inperr c inperr = .false. c if ( ) then call errmsg( 'miev0--parameter maxang too small', .true. ) inperr = .true. end if if ( ) call wrtbad( 'numang', inperr ) if ( ) call wrtbad( 'xx', inperr ) if ( .not.perfct .and. dble(crefin).le.0. )then print *,'crefin=',crefin call wrtbad( 'crefin', inperr ) endif if ( ) call wrtbad( 'momdim', inperr ) c if ( ) then if ( .or. ) call wrtbad('nmom',inperr) if ( iabs(ipolzn).gt.4444 ) call wrtbad( 'ipolzn', inperr ) npquan = 0 do 5 l = 1, 4 calcmo( l ) = .false. 5 continue if ( ) then c ** parse out -ipolzn- into its digits c ** to find which phase quantities are c ** to have their moments calculated c write( string, '(i4)' ) iabs(ipolzn) do 10 j = 1, 4 ip = ichar( string(j:j) ) - ichar( '0' ) if ( .and. ip.le.4 ) calcmo( ip ) = .true. if ( ip.eq.0 .or. ( .and. ip.le.9) ) $ call wrtbad( 'ipolzn', inperr ) npquan = max0( npquan, ip ) 10 continue end if end if c if ( anyang ) then c ** allow for slight imperfections in c ** computation of cosine do 20 i = 1, numang if ( xmu(i).lt.-1.00001 .or. xmu(i).gt.1.00001 ) $ call wrtbad( 'xmu', inperr ) 20 continue else do 22 i = 1, ( numang + 1 ) / 2 if ( xmu(i).lt.-0.00001 .or. xmu(i).gt.1.00001 ) $ call wrtbad( 'xmu', inperr ) 22 continue end if c if ( inperr ) $ call errmsg( 'miev0--input error(s). aborting...', .true. ) c if ( .or. dble(crefin).gt.10.0 .or. $ dabs( dimag(crefin) ).gt.10.0 ) call errmsg( $ 'miev0--xx or crefin outside tested range', .false. ) c return end subroutine lpcoef ( ntrm, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, npquan, $ a, b, pmom ) c c calculate legendre polynomial expansion coefficients (also c called moments) for phase quantities ( ref. 5 formulation ) c c input: ntrm number terms in mie series c nmom, ipolzn, momdim 'miev0' arguments c calcmo flags calculated from -ipolzn- c npquan defined in 'miev0' c a, b mie series coefficients c c output: pmom legendre moments ('miev0' argument) c c *** notes *** c c (1) eqs. 2-5 are in error in dave, appl. opt. 9, c 1888 (1970). eq. 2 refers to m1, not m2; eq. 3 refers to c m2, not m1. in eqs. 4 and 5, the subscripts on the second c term in square brackets should be interchanged. c c (2) the general-case logic in this subroutine works correctly c in the two-term mie series case, but subroutine 'lpco2t' c is called instead, for speed. c c (3) subroutine 'lpco1t', to do the one-term case, is never c called within the context of 'miev0', but is included for c complete generality. c c (4) some improvement in speed is obtainable by combining the c 310- and 410-loops, if moments for both the third and fourth c phase quantities are desired, because the third phase quantity c is the real part of a complex series, while the fourth phase c quantity is the imaginary part of that very same series. but c most users are not interested in the fourth phase quantity, c which is related to circular polarization, so the present c scheme is usually more efficient. c implicit none logical calcmo(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, nmom, ntrm, npquan real*8 pmom( 0:momdim, * ) complex*16 a(*), b(*) c c ** specification of local variables c c am(m) numerical coefficients a-sub-m-super-l c in dave, eqs. 1-15, as simplified in ref. 5. c c bi(i) numerical coefficients b-sub-i-super-l c in dave, eqs. 1-15, as simplified in ref. 5. c c bidel(i) 1/2 bi(i) times factor capital-del in dave c c cm,dm() arrays c and d in dave, eqs. 16-17 (mueller form), c calculated using recurrence derived in ref. 5 c c cs,ds() arrays c and d in ref. 4, eqs. a5-a6 (sekera form), c calculated using recurrence derived in ref. 5 c c c,d() either -cm,dm- or -cs,ds-, depending on -ipolzn- c c evenl true for even-numbered moments; false otherwise c c idel 1 + little-del in dave c c maxtrm max. no. of terms in mie series c c maxmom max. no. of non-zero moments c c nummom number of non-zero moments c c recip(k) 1 / k c integer maxtrm,maxmom,mxmom2,maxrcp parameter ( maxtrm = 1102, maxmom = 2*maxtrm, mxmom2 = maxmom/2, $ maxrcp = 4*maxtrm + 2 ) real*8 am( 0:maxtrm ), bi( 0:mxmom2 ), bidel( 0:mxmom2 ), $ recip( maxrcp ) complex*16 cm( maxtrm ), dm( maxtrm ), cs( maxtrm ), ds( maxtrm ), $ c( maxtrm ), d( maxtrm ) integer k,j,l,nummom,ld2,idel,m,i,mmax,imax real*8 sum equivalence ( c, cm ), ( d, dm ) logical pass1, evenl save pass1, recip data pass1 / .true. / c c if ( pass1 ) then c do 1 k = 1, maxrcp recip( k ) = 1.0 / k 1 continue pass1 = .false. c end if c do 5 j = 1, max0( 1, npquan ) do 5 l = 0, nmom pmom( l, j ) = 0.0 5 continue c if ( ntrm.eq.1 ) then call lpco1t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) return else if ( ntrm.eq.2 ) then call lpco2t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) return end if c if ( ntrm+2 .gt. maxtrm ) $ call errmsg( 'lpcoef--parameter maxtrm too small', .true. ) c c ** calculate mueller c, d arrays cm( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) dm( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) cm( ntrm+1 ) = ( 1. - recip( ntrm+1 ) ) * b( ntrm ) dm( ntrm+1 ) = ( 1. - recip( ntrm+1 ) ) * a( ntrm ) cm( ntrm ) = ( recip(ntrm) + recip(ntrm+1) ) * a( ntrm ) $ + ( 1. - recip(ntrm) ) * b( ntrm-1 ) dm( ntrm ) = ( recip(ntrm) + recip(ntrm+1) ) * b( ntrm ) $ + ( 1. - recip(ntrm) ) * a( ntrm-1 ) c do 10 k = ntrm-1, 2, -1 cm( k ) = cm( k+2 ) - ( 1. + recip(k+1) ) * b( k+1 ) $ + ( recip(k) + recip(k+1) ) * a( k ) $ + ( 1. - recip(k) ) * b( k-1 ) dm( k ) = dm( k+2 ) - ( 1. + recip(k+1) ) * a( k+1 ) $ + ( recip(k) + recip(k+1) ) * b( k ) $ + ( 1. - recip(k) ) * a( k-1 ) 10 continue cm( 1 ) = cm( 3 ) + 1.5 * ( a( 1 ) - b( 2 ) ) dm( 1 ) = dm( 3 ) + 1.5 * ( b( 1 ) - a( 2 ) ) c if ( ) then c do 20 k = 1, ntrm + 2 c( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * cm( k ) d( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * dm( k ) 20 continue c else c ** compute sekera c and d arrays cs( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ds( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) cs( ntrm+1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ds( ntrm+1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) c do 30 k = ntrm, 1, -1 cs( k ) = cs( k+2 ) + ( 2*k + 1 ) * ( cm( k+1 ) - b( k ) ) ds( k ) = ds( k+2 ) + ( 2*k + 1 ) * ( dm( k+1 ) - a( k ) ) 30 continue c do 40 k = 1, ntrm + 2 c( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * cs( k ) d( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * ds( k ) 40 continue c end if c c if( ) nummom = min0( nmom, 2*ntrm - 2 ) if( ) nummom = min0( nmom, 2*ntrm ) if ( nummom .gt. maxmom ) $ call errmsg( 'lpcoef--parameter maxtrm too small', .true. ) c c ** loop over moments do 500 l = 0, nummom ld2 = l / 2 evenl = mod( l,2 ) .eq. 0 c ** calculate numerical coefficients c ** a-sub-m and b-sub-i in dave c ** double-sums for moments if( l.eq.0 ) then c idel = 1 do 60 m = 0, ntrm am( m ) = 2.0 * recip( 2*m + 1 ) 60 continue bi( 0 ) = 1.0 c else if( evenl ) then c idel = 1 do 70 m = ld2, ntrm am( m ) = ( 1. + recip( 2*m-l+1 ) ) * am( m ) 70 continue do 75 i = 0, ld2-1 bi( i ) = ( 1. - recip( l-2*i ) ) * bi( i ) 75 continue bi( ld2 ) = ( 2. - recip( l ) ) * bi( ld2-1 ) c else c idel = 2 do 80 m = ld2, ntrm am( m ) = ( 1. - recip( 2*m+l+2 ) ) * am( m ) 80 continue do 85 i = 0, ld2 bi( i ) = ( 1. - recip( l+2*i+1 ) ) * bi( i ) 85 continue c end if c ** establish upper limits for sums c ** and incorporate factor capital- c ** del into b-sub-i mmax = ntrm - idel if( ) mmax = mmax + 1 imax = min0( ld2, mmax - ld2 ) if( ) go to 600 do 90 i = 0, imax bidel( i ) = bi( i ) 90 continue if( evenl ) bidel( 0 ) = 0.5 * bidel( 0 ) c c ** perform double sums just for c ** phase quantities desired by user if( ipolzn.eq.0 ) then c do 110 i = 0, imax c ** vectorizable loop (cray) sum = 0.0 do 100 m = ld2, mmax - i sum = sum + am( m ) * $ ( dble( c(m-i+1) * dconjg( c(m+i+idel) ) ) $ + dble( d(m-i+1) * dconjg( d(m+i+idel) ) ) ) 100 continue pmom( l,1 ) = pmom( l,1 ) + bidel( i ) * sum 110 continue pmom( l,1 ) = 0.5 * pmom( l,1 ) go to 500 c end if c if ( calcmo(1) ) then do 160 i = 0, imax c ** vectorizable loop (cray) sum = 0.0 do 150 m = ld2, mmax - i sum = sum + am( m ) * $ dble( c(m-i+1) * dconjg( c(m+i+idel) ) ) 150 continue pmom( l,1 ) = pmom( l,1 ) + bidel( i ) * sum 160 continue end if c c if ( calcmo(2) ) then do 210 i = 0, imax c ** vectorizable loop (cray) sum = 0.0 do 200 m = ld2, mmax - i sum = sum + am( m ) * $ dble( d(m-i+1) * dconjg( d(m+i+idel) ) ) 200 continue pmom( l,2 ) = pmom( l,2 ) + bidel( i ) * sum 210 continue end if c c if ( calcmo(3) ) then do 310 i = 0, imax c ** vectorizable loop (cray) sum = 0.0 do 300 m = ld2, mmax - i sum = sum + am( m ) * $ ( dble( c(m-i+1) * dconjg( d(m+i+idel) ) ) $ + dble( c(m+i+idel) * dconjg( d(m-i+1) ) ) ) 300 continue pmom( l,3 ) = pmom( l,3 ) + bidel( i ) * sum 310 continue pmom( l,3 ) = 0.5 * pmom( l,3 ) end if c c if ( calcmo(4) ) then do 410 i = 0, imax c ** vectorizable loop (cray) sum = 0.0 do 400 m = ld2, mmax - i sum = sum + am( m ) * $ ( dimag( c(m-i+1) * dconjg( d(m+i+idel) ) ) $ + dimag( c(m+i+idel) * dconjg( d(m-i+1) ) )) 400 continue pmom( l,4 ) = pmom( l,4 ) + bidel( i ) * sum 410 continue pmom( l,4 ) = - 0.5 * pmom( l,4 ) end if c 500 continue c c 600 return end subroutine lpco1t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) c c calculate legendre polynomial expansion coefficients (also c called moments) for phase quantities in special case where c no. terms in mie series = 1 c c input: nmom, ipolzn, momdim 'miev0' arguments c calcmo flags calculated from -ipolzn- c a(1), b(1) mie series coefficients c c output: pmom legendre moments c implicit none logical calcmo(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, nmom,nummom,l real*8 pmom( 0:momdim, * ),sq,a1sq,b1sq complex*16 a(*), b(*), ctmp, a1b1c sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 c c a1sq = sq( a(1) ) b1sq = sq( b(1) ) a1b1c = a(1) * dconjg( b(1) ) c if( ) then c if( calcmo(1) ) pmom( 0,1 ) = 2.25 * b1sq if( calcmo(2) ) pmom( 0,2 ) = 2.25 * a1sq if( calcmo(3) ) pmom( 0,3 ) = 2.25 * dble( a1b1c ) if( calcmo(4) ) pmom( 0,4 ) = 2.25 *dimag( a1b1c ) c else c nummom = min0( nmom, 2 ) c ** loop over moments do 100 l = 0, nummom c if( ipolzn.eq.0 ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 1.5 * ( a1sq + b1sq ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 1.5 * dble( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 0.15 * ( a1sq + b1sq ) go to 100 end if c if( calcmo(1) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 2.25 * ( a1sq + b1sq / 3. ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 1.5 * dble( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 0.3 * b1sq end if c if( calcmo(2) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,2 ) = 2.25 * ( b1sq + a1sq / 3. ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,2 ) = 1.5 * dble( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,2 ) = 0.3 * a1sq end if c if( calcmo(3) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 3.0 * dble( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.75 * ( a1sq + b1sq ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.3 * dble( a1b1c ) end if c if( calcmo(4) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,4 ) = - 1.5 * dimag( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 0.0 if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 0.3 * dimag( a1b1c ) end if c 100 continue c end if c return end subroutine lpco2t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) c c calculate legendre polynomial expansion coefficients (also c called moments) for phase quantities in special case where c no. terms in mie series = 2 c c input: nmom, ipolzn, momdim 'miev0' arguments c calcmo flags calculated from -ipolzn- c a(1-2), b(1-2) mie series coefficients c c output: pmom legendre moments c implicit none logical calcmo(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, nmom,l,nummom real*8 pmom( 0:momdim, * ),sq,a1sq,b1sq,pm1,pm2,a2sq,b2sq complex*16 a(*), b(*) complex*16 a2c, b2c, ctmp, ca, cac, cat, cb, cbc, cbt, cg, ch sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 c c ca = 3. * a(1) - 5. * b(2) cat= 3. * b(1) - 5. * a(2) cac = dconjg( ca ) a2sq = sq( a(2) ) b2sq = sq( b(2) ) a2c = dconjg( a(2) ) b2c = dconjg( b(2) ) c if( ) then c ** loop over sekera moments nummom = min0( nmom, 2 ) do 50 l = 0, nummom c if( calcmo(1) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 0.25 * ( sq(cat) + $ (100./3.) * b2sq ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,1 ) = (5./3.) * dble( cat * b2c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,1 ) = (10./3.) * b2sq end if c if( calcmo(2) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,2 ) = 0.25 * ( sq(ca) + $ (100./3.) * a2sq ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,2 ) = (5./3.) * dble( ca * a2c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,2 ) = (10./3.) * a2sq end if c if( calcmo(3) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.25 * dble( cat*cac + $ (100./3.)*b(2)*a2c ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 5./6. * dble( b(2)*cac + $ cat*a2c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 10./3. * dble( b(2) * a2c ) end if c if( calcmo(4) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,4 ) = -0.25 * dimag( cat*cac + $ (100./3.)*b(2)*a2c ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,4 ) = -5./6. * dimag( b(2)*cac + $ cat*a2c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,4 ) = -10./3. * dimag( b(2) * a2c ) end if c 50 continue c else c cb = 3. * b(1) + 5. * a(2) cbt= 3. * a(1) + 5. * b(2) cbc = dconjg( cb ) cg = ( cbc*cbt + 10.*( cac*a(2) + b2c*cat) ) / 3. ch = 2.*( cbc*a(2) + b2c*cbt ) c c ** loop over mueller moments nummom = min0( nmom, 4 ) do 100 l = 0, nummom c if( ipolzn.eq.0 .or. calcmo(1) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pm1 = 0.25 * sq(ca) + sq(cb) / 12. $ + (5./3.) * dble(ca*b2c) + 5.*b2sq if( l.eq.1 ) pm1 = dble( cb * ( cac/6. + b2c ) ) if( l.eq.2 ) pm1 = sq(cb)/30. + (20./7.) * b2sq $ + (2./3.) * dble( ca * b2c ) if( l.eq.3 ) pm1 = (2./7.) * dble( cb * b2c ) if( l.eq.4 ) pm1 = (40./63.) * b2sq if ( calcmo(1) ) pmom( l,1 ) = pm1 end if c if( ipolzn.eq.0 .or. calcmo(2) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pm2 = 0.25*sq(cat) + sq(cbt) / 12. $ + (5./3.) * dble(cat*a2c) + 5.*a2sq if( l.eq.1 ) pm2 = dble( cbt * ( dconjg(cat)/6. + a2c) ) if( l.eq.2 ) pm2 = sq(cbt)/30. + (20./7.) * a2sq $ + (2./3.) * dble( cat * a2c ) if( l.eq.3 ) pm2 = (2./7.) * dble( cbt * a2c ) if( l.eq.4 ) pm2 = (40./63.) * a2sq if ( calcmo(2) ) pmom( l,2 ) = pm2 end if c if( ipolzn.eq.0 ) then pmom( l,1 ) = 0.5 * ( pm1 + pm2 ) go to 100 end if c if( calcmo(3) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.25 * dble( cac*cat + cg + $ 20.*b2c*a(2) ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,3 ) = dble( cac*cbt + cbc*cat + $ 3.*ch ) / 12. if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.1 * dble( cg + (200./7.) * $ b2c * a(2) ) if( l.eq.3 ) pmom( l,3 ) = dble( ch ) / 14. if( l.eq.4 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 40./63. * dble( b2c * a(2) ) end if c if( calcmo(4) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 0.25 * dimag( cac*cat + cg + $ 20.*b2c*a(2) ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,4 ) = dimag( cac*cbt + cbc*cat + $ 3.*ch ) / 12. if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 0.1 * dimag( cg + (200./7.) * $ b2c * a(2) ) if( l.eq.3 ) pmom( l,4 ) = dimag( ch ) / 14. if( l.eq.4 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 40./63. * dimag( b2c * a(2) ) end if c 100 continue c end if c return end subroutine biga( cior, xx, ntrm, noabs, yesang, rbiga, cbiga ) c c calculate logarithmic derivatives of j-bessel-function c c input : cior, xx, ntrm, noabs, yesang (defined in 'miev0') c c output : rbiga or cbiga (defined in 'miev0') c c internal variables : c c confra value of lentz continued fraction for -cbiga(ntrm)-, c used to initialize downward recurrence. c down = true, use down-recurrence. false, do not. c f1,f2,f3 arithmetic statement functions used in determining c whether to use up- or down-recurrence c ( ref. 2, eqs. 6-8 ) c mre real refractive index c mim imaginary refractive index c rezinv 1 / ( mre * xx ); temporary variable for recurrence c zinv 1 / ( cior * xx ); temporary variable for recurrence c implicit none logical down, noabs, yesang integer ntrm,n real*8 mre, mim, rbiga(*), xx, rezinv, rtmp, f1,f2,f3 complex*16 cior, ctmp, confra, cbiga(*), zinv f1( mre ) = - 8.0 + mre**2 * ( 26.22 + mre * ( - 0.4474 $ + mre**3 * ( 0.00204 - 0.000175 * mre ) ) ) f2( mre ) = 3.9 + mre * ( - 10.8 + 13.78 * mre ) f3( mre ) = - 15.04 + mre * ( 8.42 + 16.35 * mre ) c c ** decide whether 'biga' can be c ** calculated by up-recurrence mre = dble( cior ) mim = dabs( dimag( cior ) ) if ( .or. .or. ) then down = .true. else if ( yesang ) then down = .true. if ( mim*xx .lt. f2( mre ) ) down = .false. else down = .true. if ( mim*xx .lt. f1( mre ) ) down = .false. end if c zinv = 1.0 / ( cior * xx ) rezinv = 1.0 / ( mre * xx ) c if ( down ) then c ** compute initial high-order 'biga' using c ** lentz method ( ref. 1, pp. 17-20 ) c ctmp = confra( ntrm, zinv, xx ) c c *** downward recurrence for 'biga' c *** ( ref. 1, eq. 22 ) if ( noabs ) then c ** no-absorption case rbiga( ntrm ) = dble( ctmp ) do 25 n = ntrm, 2, - 1 rbiga( n-1 ) = (n*rezinv) $ - 1.0 / ( (n*rezinv) + rbiga( n ) ) 25 continue c else c ** absorptive case cbiga( ntrm ) = ctmp do 30 n = ntrm, 2, - 1 cbiga( n-1 ) = (n*zinv) - 1.0 / ( (n*zinv) + cbiga( n ) ) 30 continue c end if c else c *** upward recurrence for 'biga' c *** ( ref. 1, eqs. 20-21 ) if ( noabs ) then c ** no-absorption case rtmp = dsin( mre*xx ) rbiga( 1 ) = - rezinv $ + rtmp / ( rtmp*rezinv - dcos( mre*xx ) ) do 40 n = 2, ntrm rbiga( n ) = - ( n*rezinv ) $ + 1.0 / ( ( n*rezinv ) - rbiga( n-1 ) ) 40 continue c else c ** absorptive case ctmp = cdexp( - dcmplx(0.d0,2.d0) * cior * xx ) cbiga( 1 ) = - zinv + (1.-ctmp) / ( zinv * (1.-ctmp) - $ dcmplx(0.d0,1.d0)*(1.+ctmp) ) do 50 n = 2, ntrm cbiga( n ) = - (n*zinv) + 1.0 / ((n*zinv) - cbiga( n-1 )) 50 continue end if c end if c return end complex*16 function confra( n, zinv, xx ) c c compute bessel function ratio capital-a-sub-n from its c continued fraction using lentz method ( ref. 1, pp. 17-20 ) c c zinv = reciprocal of argument of capital-a c c i n t e r n a l v a r i a b l e s c ------------------------------------ c c cak term in continued fraction expansion of capital-a c ( ref. 1, eq. 25 ) c capt factor used in lentz iteration for capital-a c ( ref. 1, eq. 27 ) c cdenom denominator in -capt- ( ref. 1, eq. 28b ) c cnumer numerator in -capt- ( ref. 1, eq. 28a ) c cdtd product of two successive denominators of -capt- c factors ( ref. 1, eq. 34c ) c cntn product of two successive numerators of -capt- c factors ( ref. 1, eq. 34b ) c eps1 ill-conditioning criterion c eps2 convergence criterion c kk subscript k of -cak- ( ref. 1, eq. 25b ) c kount iteration counter ( used only to prevent runaway ) c maxit max. allowed no. of iterations c mm + 1 and - 1, alternately c implicit none integer n,maxit,mm,kk,kount real*8 xx,eps1,eps2 complex*16 zinv complex*16 cak, capt, cdenom, cdtd, cnumer, cntn data eps1 / 1.e - 2 /, eps2 / 1.e - 8 / data maxit / 10000 / c c *** ref. 1, eqs. 25a, 27 confra = ( n + 1 ) * zinv mm = - 1 kk = 2 * n + 3 cak = ( mm * kk ) * zinv cdenom = cak cnumer = cdenom + 1.0 / confra kount = 1 c 20 kount = kount + 1 if ( ) $ call errmsg( 'confra--iteration failed to converge$', .true.) c c *** ref. 2, eq. 25b mm = - mm kk = kk + 2 cak = ( mm * kk ) * zinv c *** ref. 2, eq. 32 if ( cdabs( cnumer/cak ).le.eps1 $ .or. cdabs( cdenom/cak ).le.eps1 ) then c c ** ill-conditioned case -- stride c ** two terms instead of one c c *** ref. 2, eqs. 34 cntn = cak * cnumer + 1.0 cdtd = cak * cdenom + 1.0 confra = ( cntn / cdtd ) * confra c *** ref. 2, eq. 25b mm = - mm kk = kk + 2 cak = ( mm * kk ) * zinv c *** ref. 2, eqs. 35 cnumer = cak + cnumer / cntn cdenom = cak + cdenom / cdtd kount = kount + 1 go to 20 c else c ** well-conditioned case c c *** ref. 2, eqs. 26, 27 capt = cnumer / cdenom confra = capt * confra c ** check for convergence c ** ( ref. 2, eq. 31 ) c if ( dabs( dble(capt) - 1.0 ).ge.eps2 $ .or. dabs( dimag(capt) ) .ge.eps2 ) then c c *** ref. 2, eqs. 30a-b cnumer = cak + 1.0 / cnumer cdenom = cak + 1.0 / cdenom go to 20 end if end if c return c end subroutine miprnt( prnt, xx, perfct, crefin, numang, xmu, $ qext, qsca, gqsc, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, $ calcmo, pmom, sforw, sback, tforw, tback, $ s1, s2 ) c c print scattering quantities of a single particle c implicit none logical perfct, prnt(*), calcmo(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, nmom, numang,i,m,j real*8 gqsc, pmom( 0:momdim, * ), qext, qsca, xx, xmu(*) real*8 fi1,fi2,fnorm complex*16 crefin, sforw, sback, tforw(*), tback(*), s1(*), s2(*) character*22 fmt c c if ( perfct ) write ( 59, '(''1'',10x,a,1p,e11.4)' ) $ 'perfectly conducting case, size parameter =', xx if ( .not.perfct ) write ( 59, '(''1'',10x,3(a,1p,e11.4))' ) $ 'refractive index: real ', dble(crefin), $ ' imag ', dimag(crefin), ', size parameter =', xx c if ( prnt(1) .and. ) then c write ( 59, '(/,a)' ) $ ' cos(angle) ------- s1 --------- ------- s2 ---------'// $ ' --- s1*conjg(s2) --- i1=s1**2 i2=s2**2 (i1+i2)/2'// $ ' deg polzn' do 10 i = 1, numang fi1 = dble( s1(i) ) **2 + dimag( s1(i) )**2 fi2 = dble( s2(i) ) **2 + dimag( s2(i) )**2 write( 59, '( i4, f10.6, 1p,10e11.3 )' ) $ i, xmu(i), s1(i), s2(i), s1(i)*dconjg(s2(i)), $ fi1, fi2, 0.5*(fi1+fi2), (fi2-fi1)/(fi2+fi1) 10 continue c end if c c if ( prnt(2) ) then c write ( 59, '(/,a,9x,a,17x,a,17x,a,/,(0p,f7.2, 1p,6e12.3) )' ) $ ' angle', 's-sub-1', 't-sub-1', 't-sub-2', $ 0.0, sforw, tforw(1), tforw(2), $ 180., sback, tback(1), tback(2) write ( 59, '(/,4(a,1p,e11.4))' ) $ ' efficiency factors, extinction:', qext, $ ' scattering:', qsca, $ ' absorption:', qext-qsca, $ ' rad. pressure:', qext-gqsc c if ( ) then c write( 59, '(/,a)' ) ' normalized moments of :' if ( ipolzn.eq.0 ) write ( 59, '(''+'',27x,a)' ) 'phase fcn' if ( ) write ( 59, '(''+'',33x,a)' ) $ 'm1 m2 s21 d21' if ( ) write ( 59, '(''+'',33x,a)' ) $ 'r1 r2 r3 r4' c fnorm = 4. / ( xx**2 * qsca ) do 20 m = 0, nmom write ( 59, '(a,i4)' ) ' moment no.', m do 20 j = 1, 4 if( calcmo(j) ) then write( fmt, 98 ) 24 + (j-1)*13 write ( 59,fmt ) fnorm * pmom(m,j) end if 20 continue end if c end if c return c 98 format( '( ''+'', t', i2, ', 1p,e13.4 )' ) end subroutine small1 ( xx, numang, xmu, qext, qsca, gqsc, sforw, $ sback, s1, s2, tforw, tback, a, b ) c c small-particle limit of mie quantities in totally reflecting c limit ( mie series truncated after 2 terms ) c c a,b first two mie coefficients, with numerator and c denominator expanded in powers of -xx- ( a factor c of xx**3 is missing but is restored before return c to calling program ) ( ref. 2, p. 1508 ) c implicit none integer numang,j real*8 gqsc, qext, qsca, xx, xmu(*) real*8 twothr,fivthr,fivnin,sq,rtmp complex*16 a( 2 ), b( 2 ), sforw, sback, s1(*), s2(*), $ tforw(*), tback(*) c parameter ( twothr = 2./3., fivthr = 5./3., fivnin = 5./9. ) complex*16 ctmp sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 c c a( 1 ) = dcmplx ( 0.d0, twothr * ( 1. - 0.2 * xx**2 ) ) $ / dcmplx ( 1.d0 - 0.5 * xx**2, twothr * xx**3 ) c b( 1 ) = dcmplx ( 0.d0, - ( 1. - 0.1 * xx**2 ) / 3. ) $ / dcmplx ( 1.d0 + 0.5 * xx**2, - xx**3 / 3. ) c a( 2 ) = dcmplx ( 0.d0, xx**2 / 30. ) b( 2 ) = dcmplx ( 0.d0, - xx**2 / 45. ) c qsca = 6. * xx**4 * ( sq( a(1) ) + sq( b(1) ) $ + fivthr * ( sq( a(2) ) + sq( b(2) ) ) ) qext = qsca gqsc = 6. * xx**4 * dble( a(1) * dconjg( a(2) + b(1) ) $ + ( b(1) + fivnin * a(2) ) * dconjg( b(2) ) ) c rtmp = 1.5 * xx**3 sforw = rtmp * ( a(1) + b(1) + fivthr * ( a(2) + b(2) ) ) sback = rtmp * ( a(1) - b(1) - fivthr * ( a(2) - b(2) ) ) tforw( 1 ) = rtmp * ( b(1) + fivthr * ( 2.*b(2) - a(2) ) ) tforw( 2 ) = rtmp * ( a(1) + fivthr * ( 2.*a(2) - b(2) ) ) tback( 1 ) = rtmp * ( b(1) - fivthr * ( 2.*b(2) + a(2) ) ) tback( 2 ) = rtmp * ( a(1) - fivthr * ( 2.*a(2) + b(2) ) ) c do 10 j = 1, numang s1( j ) = rtmp * ( a(1) + b(1) * xmu(j) + fivthr * $ ( a(2) * xmu(j) + b(2) * ( 2.*xmu(j)**2 - 1. )) ) s2( j ) = rtmp * ( b(1) + a(1) * xmu(j) + fivthr * $ ( b(2) * xmu(j) + a(2) * ( 2.*xmu(j)**2 - 1. )) ) 10 continue c ** recover actual mie coefficients a( 1 ) = xx**3 * a( 1 ) a( 2 ) = xx**3 * a( 2 ) b( 1 ) = xx**3 * b( 1 ) b( 2 ) = xx**3 * b( 2 ) c return end subroutine small2 ( xx, cior, calcqe, numang, xmu, qext, qsca, $ gqsc, sforw, sback, s1, s2, tforw, tback, $ a, b ) c c small-particle limit of mie quantities for general refractive c index ( mie series truncated after 2 terms ) c c a,b first two mie coefficients, with numerator and c denominator expanded in powers of -xx- ( a factor c of xx**3 is missing but is restored before return c to calling program ) ( ref. 2, p. 1508 ) c c ciorsq square of refractive index c implicit none logical calcqe integer numang,j real*8 gqsc, qext, qsca, xx, xmu(*) real*8 twothr,fivthr,sq,rtmp complex*16 a( 2 ), b( 2 ), cior, sforw, sback, s1(*), s2(*), $ tforw(*), tback(*) c parameter ( twothr = 2./3., fivthr = 5./3. ) complex*16 ctmp, ciorsq sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 c c ciorsq = cior**2 ctmp = dcmplx( 0.d0, twothr ) * ( ciorsq - 1.0 ) a(1) = ctmp * ( 1.0 - 0.1 * xx**2 + (ciorsq/350. + 1./280.)*xx**4) $ / ( ciorsq + 2.0 + ( 1.0 - 0.7 * ciorsq ) * xx**2 $ - ( ciorsq**2/175. - 0.275 * ciorsq + 0.25 ) * xx**4 $ + xx**3 * ctmp * ( 1.0 - 0.1 * xx**2 ) ) c b(1) = (xx**2/30.) * ctmp * ( 1.0 + (ciorsq/35. - 1./14.) *xx**2 ) $ / ( 1.0 - ( ciorsq/15. - 1./6. ) * xx**2 ) c a(2) = ( 0.1 * xx**2 ) * ctmp * ( 1.0 - xx**2 / 14. ) $ / ( 2. * ciorsq + 3. - ( ciorsq/7. - 0.5 ) * xx**2 ) c qsca = 6. * xx**4 * ( sq(a(1)) + sq(b(1)) + fivthr * sq(a(2)) ) gqsc = 6. * xx**4 * dble( a(1) * dconjg( a(2) + b(1) ) ) qext = qsca if ( calcqe ) qext = 6. * xx * dble( a(1) + b(1) + fivthr * a(2) ) c rtmp = 1.5 * xx**3 sforw = rtmp * ( a(1) + b(1) + fivthr * a(2) ) sback = rtmp * ( a(1) - b(1) - fivthr * a(2) ) tforw( 1 ) = rtmp * ( b(1) - fivthr * a(2) ) tforw( 2 ) = rtmp * ( a(1) + 2. * fivthr * a(2) ) tback( 1 ) = tforw( 1 ) tback( 2 ) = rtmp * ( a(1) - 2. * fivthr * a(2) ) c do 10 j = 1, numang s1( j ) = rtmp * ( a(1) + ( b(1) + fivthr * a(2) ) * xmu(j) ) s2( j ) = rtmp * ( b(1) + a(1) * xmu(j) + fivthr * a(2) $ * ( 2. * xmu(j)**2 - 1. ) ) 10 continue c ** recover actual mie coefficients a( 1 ) = xx**3 * a( 1 ) a( 2 ) = xx**3 * a( 2 ) b( 1 ) = xx**3 * b( 1 ) b( 2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) c return end subroutine testmi ( qext, qsca, gqsc, sforw, sback, s1, s2, $ tforw, tback, pmom, momdim, ok ) c c compare mie code test case results with correct answers c and return ok=false if even one result is inaccurate. c c the test case is : mie size parameter = 10 c refractive index = 1.5 - 0.1 i c scattering angle = 140 degrees c 1 sekera moment c c results for this case may be found among the test cases c at the end of reference (1). c c *** note *** when running on some computers, esp. in single c precision, the 'accur' criterion below may have to be relaxed. c however, if 'accur' must be set larger than 10**-3 for some c size parameters, your computer is probably not accurate c enough to do mie computations for those size parameters. c implicit none integer momdim,m,n real*8 qext, qsca, gqsc, pmom( 0:momdim, * ) complex*16 sforw, sback, s1(*), s2(*), tforw(*), tback(*) logical ok, wrong c real*8 accur, testqe, testqs, testgq, testpm( 0:1 ) complex*16 testsf, testsb,tests1,tests2,testtf(2), testtb(2) data testqe / 2.459791 /, testqs / 1.235144 /, $ testgq / 1.139235 /, testsf / ( 61.49476, -3.177994 ) /, $ testsb / ( 1.493434, 0.2963657 ) /, $ tests1 / ( -0.1548380, -1.128972) /, $ tests2 / ( 0.05669755, 0.5425681) /, $ testtf / ( 12.95238, -136.6436 ), ( 48.54238, 133.4656 ) /, $ testtb / ( 41.88414, -15.57833 ), ( 43.37758, -15.28196 )/, $ testpm / 227.1975, 183.6898 / real*8 calc,exact c data accur / 1.e-5 / data accur / 1.e-4 / wrong( calc, exact ) = dabs( (calc - exact) / exact ) .gt. accur c c ok = .true. if ( wrong( qext,testqe ) ) $ call tstbad( 'qext', abs((qext - testqe) / testqe), ok ) if ( wrong( qsca,testqs ) ) $ call tstbad( 'qsca', abs((qsca - testqs) / testqs), ok ) if ( wrong( gqsc,testgq ) ) $ call tstbad( 'gqsc', abs((gqsc - testgq) / testgq), ok ) c if ( wrong( dble(sforw), dble(testsf) ) .or. $ wrong( dimag(sforw), dimag(testsf) ) ) $ call tstbad( 'sforw', cdabs((sforw - testsf) / testsf), ok ) c if ( wrong( dble(sback), dble(testsb) ) .or. $ wrong( dimag(sback), dimag(testsb) ) ) $ call tstbad( 'sback', cdabs((sback - testsb) / testsb), ok ) c if ( wrong( dble(s1(1)), dble(tests1) ) .or. $ wrong( dimag(s1(1)), dimag(tests1) ) ) $ call tstbad( 's1', cdabs((s1(1) - tests1) / tests1), ok ) c if ( wrong( dble(s2(1)), dble(tests2) ) .or. $ wrong( dimag(s2(1)), dimag(tests2) ) ) $ call tstbad( 's2', cdabs((s2(1) - tests2) / tests2), ok ) c do 20 n = 1, 2 if ( wrong( dble(tforw(n)), dble(testtf(n)) ) .or. $ wrong( dimag(tforw(n)), dimag(testtf(n)) ) ) $ call tstbad( 'tforw', cdabs( (tforw(n) - testtf(n)) / $ testtf(n) ), ok ) if ( wrong( dble(tback(n)), dble(testtb(n)) ) .or. $ wrong( dimag(tback(n)), dimag(testtb(n)) ) ) $ call tstbad( 'tback', cdabs( (tback(n) - testtb(n)) / $ testtb(n) ), ok ) 20 continue c do 30 m = 0, 1 if ( wrong( pmom(m,1), testpm(m) ) ) $ call tstbad( 'pmom', dabs( (pmom(m,1)-testpm(m)) / $ testpm(m) ), ok ) 30 continue c return c end subroutine errmsg( messag, fatal ) c c print out a warning or error message; abort if error c implicit none logical fatal, once character*(*) messag integer maxmsg, nummsg save maxmsg, nummsg, once data nummsg / 0 /, maxmsg / 100 /, once / .false. / c c if ( fatal ) then write ( *, '(2a)' ) ' ******* error >>>>>> ', messag stop end if c nummsg = nummsg + 1 if ( ) then if ( .not.once ) write ( *,99 ) once = .true. else write ( *, '(2a)' ) ' ******* warning >>>>>> ', messag endif c return c 99 format( ///,' >>>>>> too many warning messages -- ', $ 'they will no longer be printed <<<<<<<', /// ) end subroutine wrtbad ( varnam, erflag ) c c write names of erroneous variables c c input : varnam = name of erroneous variable to be written c ( character, any length ) c c output : erflag = logical flag, set true by this routine c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none character*(*) varnam logical erflag integer maxmsg, nummsg save nummsg, maxmsg data nummsg / 0 /, maxmsg / 50 / c c nummsg = nummsg + 1 write ( *, '(3a)' ) ' **** input variable ', varnam, $ ' in error ****' erflag = .true. if ( nummsg.eq.maxmsg ) $ call errmsg ( 'too many input errors. aborting...$', .true. ) return c end subroutine tstbad( varnam, relerr, ok ) c c write name (-varnam-) of variable failing self-test and its c percent error from the correct value. return ok = false. c implicit none character*(*) varnam logical ok real*8 relerr c c ok = .false. write( *, '(/,3a,1p,e11.2,a)' ) $ ' output variable ', varnam,' differed by', 100.*relerr, $ ' per cent from correct value. self-test failed.' return c end