module modal_aero_wateruptake ! RCE 07.04.13: Adapted from MIRAGE2 code use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use physconst, only: pi, rhoh2o use ppgrid, only: pcols, pver use physics_types, only: physics_state use physics_buffer, only: physics_buffer_desc, pbuf_get_index, pbuf_old_tim_idx, pbuf_get_field use wv_saturation, only: qsat_water use rad_constituents, only: rad_cnst_get_info, rad_cnst_get_aer_mmr, rad_cnst_get_aer_props, & rad_cnst_get_mode_props, rad_cnst_get_mode_num use cam_history, only: addfld, add_default, phys_decomp, outfld use cam_logfile, only: iulog use ref_pres, only: top_lev => clim_modal_aero_top_lev use phys_control, only: phys_getopts use cam_abortutils, only: endrun implicit none private save public :: & modal_aero_wateruptake_init, & modal_aero_wateruptake_dr public :: modal_aero_wateruptake_reg real(r8), parameter :: third = 1._r8/3._r8 real(r8), parameter :: pi43 = pi*4.0_r8/3.0_r8 ! Physics buffer indices integer :: cld_idx = 0 integer :: dgnum_idx = 0 integer :: dgnumwet_idx = 0 integer :: sulfeq_idx = 0 integer :: wetdens_ap_idx = 0 integer :: qaerwat_idx = 0 logical, public :: modal_strat_sulfate = .false. ! If .true. then MAM sulfate surface area density used in stratospheric heterogeneous chemistry !=============================================================================== contains !=============================================================================== subroutine modal_aero_wateruptake_reg() use physics_buffer, only: pbuf_add_field, dtype_r8 use rad_constituents, only: rad_cnst_get_info integer :: nmodes call rad_cnst_get_info(0, nmodes=nmodes) call pbuf_add_field('DGNUMWET', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols, pver, nmodes/), dgnumwet_idx) call pbuf_add_field('WETDENS_AP', 'physpkg', dtype_r8, (/pcols, pver, nmodes/), wetdens_ap_idx) ! 1st order rate for direct conversion of strat. cloud water to precip (1/s) call pbuf_add_field('QAERWAT', 'physpkg', dtype_r8, (/pcols, pver, nmodes/), qaerwat_idx) if (modal_strat_sulfate) then call pbuf_add_field('MAMH2SO4EQ', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols, pver, nmodes/), sulfeq_idx) end if end subroutine modal_aero_wateruptake_reg !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== subroutine modal_aero_wateruptake_init(pbuf2d) use time_manager, only: is_first_step use physics_buffer,only: pbuf_set_field use infnan, only : nan, assignment(=) type(physics_buffer_desc), pointer :: pbuf2d(:,:) real(r8) :: real_nan integer :: m, nmodes logical :: history_aerosol ! Output the MAM aerosol variables and tendencies character(len=3) :: trnum ! used to hold mode number (as characters) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- real_nan = nan cld_idx = pbuf_get_index('CLD') dgnum_idx = pbuf_get_index('DGNUM') ! assume for now that will compute wateruptake for climate list modes only call rad_cnst_get_info(0, nmodes=nmodes) do m = 1, nmodes write(trnum, '(i3.3)') m call addfld('dgnd_a'//trnum(2:3), 'm', pver, 'A', & 'dry dgnum, interstitial, mode '//trnum(2:3), phys_decomp) call addfld('dgnw_a'//trnum(2:3), 'm', pver, 'A', & 'wet dgnum, interstitial, mode '//trnum(2:3), phys_decomp) call addfld('wat_a'//trnum(3:3), 'm', pver, 'A', & 'aerosol water, interstitial, mode '//trnum(2:3), phys_decomp) ! determine default variables call phys_getopts(history_aerosol_out = history_aerosol) if (history_aerosol) then call add_default('dgnd_a'//trnum(2:3), 1, ' ') call add_default('dgnw_a'//trnum(2:3), 1, ' ') call add_default('wat_a'//trnum(3:3), 1, ' ') endif end do if (is_first_step()) then ! initialize fields in physics buffer call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, dgnumwet_idx, 0.0_r8) if (modal_strat_sulfate) then ! initialize fields in physics buffer to NaN (not a number) ! so model will crash if used before initialization call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, sulfeq_idx, real_nan) endif endif end subroutine modal_aero_wateruptake_init !=============================================================================== subroutine modal_aero_wateruptake_dr(state, pbuf, list_idx_in, dgnumdry_m, dgnumwet_m, & qaerwat_m, wetdens_m) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! CAM specific driver for modal aerosol water uptake code. ! ! *** N.B. *** The calculation has been enabled for diagnostic mode lists ! via optional arguments. If the list_idx arg is present then ! all the optional args must be present. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use time_manager, only: is_first_step use cam_history, only: outfld, fieldname_len use tropopause, only: tropopause_find, TROP_ALG_HYBSTOB, TROP_ALG_CLIMATE ! Arguments type(physics_state), target, intent(in) :: state ! Physics state variables type(physics_buffer_desc), pointer :: pbuf(:) ! physics buffer integer, optional, intent(in) :: list_idx_in real(r8), optional, target, intent(in) :: dgnumdry_m(:,:,:) real(r8), optional, pointer :: dgnumwet_m(:,:,:) real(r8), optional, pointer :: qaerwat_m(:,:,:) real(r8), optional, pointer :: wetdens_m(:,:,:) ! local variables integer :: lchnk ! chunk index integer :: ncol ! number of columns integer :: list_idx ! radiative constituents list index integer :: stat integer :: i, k, l, m integer :: itim_old integer :: nmodes integer :: nspec integer :: tropLev(pcols) character(len=fieldname_len+3) :: fieldname real(r8), pointer :: h2ommr(:,:) ! specific humidity real(r8), pointer :: t(:,:) ! temperatures (K) real(r8), pointer :: pmid(:,:) ! layer pressure (Pa) real(r8), pointer :: raer(:,:) ! aerosol species MRs (kg/kg and #/kg) real(r8), pointer :: cldn(:,:) ! layer cloud fraction (0-1) real(r8), pointer :: dgncur_a(:,:,:) real(r8), pointer :: dgncur_awet(:,:,:) real(r8), pointer :: wetdens(:,:,:) real(r8), pointer :: qaerwat(:,:,:) real(r8), allocatable :: maer(:,:,:) ! aerosol wet mass MR (including water) (kg/kg-air) real(r8), allocatable :: hygro(:,:,:) ! volume-weighted mean hygroscopicity (--) real(r8), allocatable :: naer(:,:,:) ! aerosol number MR (bounded!) (#/kg-air) real(r8), allocatable :: dryvol(:,:,:) ! single-particle-mean dry volume (m3) real(r8), allocatable :: so4dryvol(:,:,:) ! single-particle-mean so4 dry volume (m3) real(r8), allocatable :: drymass(:,:,:) ! single-particle-mean dry mass (kg) real(r8), allocatable :: dryrad(:,:,:) ! dry volume mean radius of aerosol (m) real(r8), allocatable :: wetrad(:,:,:) ! wet radius of aerosol (m) real(r8), allocatable :: wetvol(:,:,:) ! single-particle-mean wet volume (m3) real(r8), allocatable :: wtrvol(:,:,:) ! single-particle-mean water volume in wet aerosol (m3) real(r8), allocatable :: rhcrystal(:) real(r8), allocatable :: rhdeliques(:) real(r8), allocatable :: specdens_1(:) real(r8), pointer :: sulfeq(:,:,:) ! H2SO4 equilibrium mixing ratios over particles (mol/mol) real(r8), allocatable :: wtpct(:,:,:) ! sulfate aerosol composition, weight % H2SO4 real(r8), allocatable :: sulden(:,:,:) ! sulfate aerosol mass density (g/cm3) real(r8) :: dryvolmr(pcols,pver) ! volume MR for aerosol mode (m3/kg) real(r8) :: so4dryvolmr(pcols,pver) ! volume MR for sulfate aerosol in mode (m3/kg) real(r8) :: specdens, so4specdens real(r8) :: spechygro, spechygro_1 real(r8) :: duma, dumb real(r8) :: sigmag real(r8) :: alnsg real(r8) :: v2ncur_a real(r8) :: drydens ! dry particle density (kg/m^3) real(r8) :: rh(pcols,pver) ! relative humidity (0-1) real(r8) :: dmean, qh2so4_equilib, wtpct_mode, sulden_mode real(r8) :: es(pcols) ! saturation vapor pressure real(r8) :: qs(pcols) ! saturation specific humidity character(len=3) :: trnum ! used to hold mode number (as characters) character(len=32) :: spectype !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lchnk = state%lchnk ncol = state%ncol list_idx = 0 if (present(list_idx_in)) then list_idx = list_idx_in ! check that all optional args are present if (.not. present(dgnumdry_m) .or. .not. present(dgnumwet_m) .or. & .not. present(qaerwat_m) .or. .not. present(wetdens_m)) then call endrun('modal_aero_wateruptake_dr called for'// & 'diagnostic list but required args not present') end if end if ! loop over all aerosol modes call rad_cnst_get_info(list_idx, nmodes=nmodes) if (modal_strat_sulfate) then call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, sulfeq_idx, sulfeq ) endif allocate( & maer(pcols,pver,nmodes), & hygro(pcols,pver,nmodes), & naer(pcols,pver,nmodes), & dryvol(pcols,pver,nmodes), & so4dryvol(pcols,pver,nmodes),& drymass(pcols,pver,nmodes), & dryrad(pcols,pver,nmodes), & wetrad(pcols,pver,nmodes), & wetvol(pcols,pver,nmodes), & wtrvol(pcols,pver,nmodes), & wtpct(pcols,pver,nmodes), & sulden(pcols,pver,nmodes), & rhcrystal(nmodes), & rhdeliques(nmodes), & specdens_1(nmodes) ) maer(:,:,:) = 0._r8 hygro(:,:,:) = 0._r8 so4dryvol(:,:,:) = 0._r8 wtpct(:,:,:) = 75._r8 sulden(:,:,:) = 1.923_r8 if (list_idx == 0) then call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, dgnum_idx, dgncur_a ) call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, dgnumwet_idx, dgncur_awet ) if (is_first_step()) then dgncur_awet(:,:,:) = dgncur_a(:,:,:) end if else dgncur_a => dgnumdry_m dgncur_awet => dgnumwet_m end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get tropopause level !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (modal_strat_sulfate) then call tropopause_find(state, tropLev, primary=TROP_ALG_HYBSTOB, backup=TROP_ALG_CLIMATE) endif h2ommr => state%q(:,:,1) t => state%t pmid => state%pmid do m = 1, nmodes dryvolmr(:,:) = 0._r8 so4dryvolmr(:,:) = 0._r8 ! get mode properties call rad_cnst_get_mode_props(list_idx, m, sigmag=sigmag, & rhcrystal=rhcrystal(m), rhdeliques=rhdeliques(m)) ! get mode info call rad_cnst_get_info(list_idx, m, nspec=nspec) do l = 1, nspec ! get species interstitial mixing ratio ('a') call rad_cnst_get_aer_mmr(list_idx, m, l, 'a', state, pbuf, raer) call rad_cnst_get_aer_props(list_idx, m, l, density_aer=specdens, & hygro_aer=spechygro, spectype=spectype) if (modal_strat_sulfate .and. (trim(spectype).eq.'sulfate')) then so4specdens=specdens end if if (l == 1) then ! save off these values to be used as defaults specdens_1(m) = specdens spechygro_1 = spechygro end if do k = top_lev, pver do i = 1, ncol duma = raer(i,k) ! kg/kg air maer(i,k,m) = maer(i,k,m) + duma dumb = duma/specdens ! m3/kg air dryvolmr(i,k) = dryvolmr(i,k) + dumb if (modal_strat_sulfate .and. (trim(spectype).eq.'sulfate')) then so4dryvolmr(i,k) = so4dryvolmr(i,k) + dumb end if hygro(i,k,m) = hygro(i,k,m) + dumb*spechygro end do end do end do alnsg = log(sigmag) do k = top_lev, pver do i = 1, ncol if (dryvolmr(i,k) > 1.0e-30_r8) then hygro(i,k,m) = hygro(i,k,m)/dryvolmr(i,k) else hygro(i,k,m) = spechygro_1 end if ! dry aerosol properties v2ncur_a = 1._r8 / ( (pi/6._r8)*(dgncur_a(i,k,m)**3._r8)*exp(4.5_r8*alnsg**2._r8) ) ! naer = aerosol number (#/kg) naer(i,k,m) = dryvolmr(i,k)*v2ncur_a ! compute mean (1 particle) dry volume and mass for each mode ! old coding is replaced because the new (1/v2ncur_a) is equal to ! the mean particle volume ! also moletomass forces maer >= 1.0e-30, so (maer/dryvolmr) ! should never cause problems (but check for maer < 1.0e-31 anyway) if (maer(i,k,m) .gt. 1.0e-31_r8) then drydens = maer(i,k,m)/dryvolmr(i,k) ! kg/m3 aerosol else drydens = 1.0_r8 end if dryvol(i,k,m) = 1.0_r8/v2ncur_a ! m3/particle drymass(i,k,m) = drydens*dryvol(i,k,m) ! kg/particle dryrad(i,k,m) = (dryvol(i,k,m)/pi43)**third ! m end do ! i = 1, ncol end do ! k = top_lev, pver if (modal_strat_sulfate) then do k = top_lev, pver do i = 1, ncol if (so4dryvolmr(i,k) .gt. 1.0e-31_r8) then so4dryvol(i,k,m) = dryvol(i,k,m)*so4dryvolmr(i,k)/dryvolmr(i,k) else so4dryvol(i,k,m) = 0.0_r8 end if dmean = dgncur_awet(i,k,m)*exp(1.5_r8*alnsg**2) call calc_h2so4_equilib_mixrat( t(i,k), pmid(i,k), h2ommr(i,k), dmean, & qh2so4_equilib, wtpct_mode, sulden_mode ) sulfeq(i,k,m) = qh2so4_equilib wtpct(i,k,m) = wtpct_mode sulden(i,k,m) = sulden_mode end do ! i = 1, ncol end do ! k = top_lev, pver fieldname = ' ' write(fieldname,fmt='(a,i1)') 'wtpct_a',m call outfld(fieldname,wtpct(1:ncol,1:pver,m), ncol, lchnk ) fieldname = ' ' write(fieldname,fmt='(a,i1)') 'sulfeq_a',m call outfld(fieldname,sulfeq(1:ncol,1:pver,m), ncol, lchnk ) fieldname = ' ' write(fieldname,fmt='(a,i1)') 'sulden_a',m call outfld(fieldname,sulden(1:ncol,1:pver,m), ncol, lchnk ) end if end do ! m = 1, nmodes ! relative humidity calc itim_old = pbuf_old_tim_idx() call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, cld_idx, cldn, start=(/1,1,itim_old/), kount=(/pcols,pver,1/) ) do k = top_lev, pver call qsat_water(t(:ncol,k), pmid(:ncol,k), es(:ncol), qs(:ncol)) do i = 1, ncol if (qs(i) > h2ommr(i,k)) then rh(i,k) = h2ommr(i,k)/qs(i) else rh(i,k) = 0.98_r8 endif rh(i,k) = max(rh(i,k), 0.0_r8) rh(i,k) = min(rh(i,k), 0.98_r8) if (cldn(i,k) .lt. 1.0_r8) then rh(i,k) = (rh(i,k) - cldn(i,k)) / (1.0_r8 - cldn(i,k)) ! clear portion end if rh(i,k) = max(rh(i,k), 0.0_r8) end do end do call modal_aero_wateruptake_sub( & ncol, nmodes, rhcrystal, rhdeliques, dryrad, & hygro, rh, dryvol, so4dryvol, so4specdens, tropLev, & wetrad, wetvol, wtrvol, sulden, wtpct) if (list_idx == 0) then call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, wetdens_ap_idx, wetdens) call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, qaerwat_idx, qaerwat) else allocate(wetdens(pcols,pver,nmodes), & qaerwat(pcols,pver,nmodes), stat=stat) if (stat > 0) then call endrun('modal_aero_wateruptake_dr: allocation FAILURE') end if end if do m = 1, nmodes do k = top_lev, pver do i = 1, ncol dgncur_awet(i,k,m) = dgncur_a(i,k,m) * (wetrad(i,k,m)/dryrad(i,k,m)) qaerwat(i,k,m) = rhoh2o*naer(i,k,m)*wtrvol(i,k,m) ! compute aerosol wet density (kg/m3) if (wetvol(i,k,m) > 1.0e-30_r8) then wetdens(i,k,m) = (drymass(i,k,m) + rhoh2o*wtrvol(i,k,m))/wetvol(i,k,m) else wetdens(i,k,m) = specdens_1(m) end if end do end do end do ! modes if (list_idx == 0) then do m = 1, nmodes ! output to history write( trnum, '(i3.3)' ) m call outfld( 'wat_a'//trnum(3:3), qaerwat(:,:,m), pcols, lchnk) call outfld( 'dgnd_a'//trnum(2:3), dgncur_a(:,:,m), pcols, lchnk) call outfld( 'dgnw_a'//trnum(2:3), dgncur_awet(:,:,m), pcols, lchnk) end do else ! for diagnostic calcs just return results dgnumwet_m => dgncur_awet qaerwat_m => qaerwat wetdens_m => wetdens end if deallocate( & maer, hygro, naer, dryvol, so4dryvol, drymass, dryrad, & wetrad, wetvol, wtrvol, wtpct, sulden, rhcrystal, rhdeliques, specdens_1 ) end subroutine modal_aero_wateruptake_dr !=============================================================================== subroutine modal_aero_wateruptake_sub( & ncol, nmodes, rhcrystal, rhdeliques, dryrad, & hygro, rh, dryvol, so4dryvol, so4specdens, troplev, & wetrad, wetvol, wtrvol, sulden, wtpct) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Compute aerosol wet radius ! ! Method: Kohler theory ! ! Author: S. Ghan ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns integer, intent(in) :: nmodes integer, intent(in) :: troplev(:) real(r8), intent(in) :: rhcrystal(:) real(r8), intent(in) :: rhdeliques(:) real(r8), intent(in) :: dryrad(:,:,:) ! dry volume mean radius of aerosol (m) real(r8), intent(in) :: hygro(:,:,:) ! volume-weighted mean hygroscopicity (--) real(r8), intent(in) :: rh(:,:) ! relative humidity (0-1) real(r8), intent(in) :: dryvol(:,:,:) ! dry volume of single aerosol (m3) real(r8), intent(in) :: so4dryvol(:,:,:) ! dry volume of sulfate in single aerosol (m3) real(r8), intent(in) :: so4specdens ! mass density sulfate in single aerosol (kg/m3) real(r8), intent(in) :: wtpct(:,:,:) ! sulfate aerosol composition, weight % H2SO4 real(r8), intent(in) :: sulden(:,:,:) ! sulfate aerosol mass density (g/cm3) real(r8), intent(out) :: wetrad(:,:,:) ! wet radius of aerosol (m) real(r8), intent(out) :: wetvol(:,:,:) ! single-particle-mean wet volume (m3) real(r8), intent(out) :: wtrvol(:,:,:) ! single-particle-mean water volume in wet aerosol (m3) ! local variables integer :: i, k, m real(r8) :: hystfac ! working variable for hysteresis !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! loop over all aerosol modes do m = 1, nmodes hystfac = 1.0_r8 / max(1.0e-5_r8, (rhdeliques(m) - rhcrystal(m))) do k = top_lev, pver do i = 1, ncol if ( modal_strat_sulfate .and. (k<troplev(i))) then wetvol(i,k,m) = dryvol(i,k,m)-so4dryvol(i,k,m) wetvol(i,k,m) = wetvol(i,k,m)+so4dryvol(i,k,m)*so4specdens/sulden(i,k,m)/wtpct(i,k,m)/10._r8 wetvol(i,k,m) = max(wetvol(i,k,m), dryvol(i,k,m)) wetrad(i,k,m) = (wetvol(i,k,m)/pi43)**third wetrad(i,k,m) = max(wetrad(i,k,m), dryrad(i,k,m)) wtrvol(i,k,m) = wetvol(i,k,m) - dryvol(i,k,m) wtrvol(i,k,m) = max(wtrvol(i,k,m), 0.0_r8) else ! compute wet radius for each mode call modal_aero_kohler(dryrad(i:i,k,m), hygro(i:i,k,m), rh(i:i,k), wetrad(i:i,k,m), 1) wetrad(i,k,m) = max(wetrad(i,k,m), dryrad(i,k,m)) wetvol(i,k,m) = pi43*wetrad(i,k,m)**3 wetvol(i,k,m) = max(wetvol(i,k,m), dryvol(i,k,m)) wtrvol(i,k,m) = wetvol(i,k,m) - dryvol(i,k,m) wtrvol(i,k,m) = max(wtrvol(i,k,m), 0.0_r8) ! apply simple treatment of deliquesence/crystallization hysteresis ! for rhcrystal < rh < rhdeliques, aerosol water is a fraction of ! the "upper curve" value, and the fraction is a linear function of rh if (rh(i,k) < rhcrystal(m)) then wetrad(i,k,m) = dryrad(i,k,m) wetvol(i,k,m) = dryvol(i,k,m) wtrvol(i,k,m) = 0.0_r8 else if (rh(i,k) < rhdeliques(m)) then wtrvol(i,k,m) = wtrvol(i,k,m)*hystfac*(rh(i,k) - rhcrystal(m)) wtrvol(i,k,m) = max(wtrvol(i,k,m), 0.0_r8) wetvol(i,k,m) = dryvol(i,k,m) + wtrvol(i,k,m) wetrad(i,k,m) = (wetvol(i,k,m)/pi43)**third end if end if end do ! columns end do ! levels end do ! modes end subroutine modal_aero_wateruptake_sub !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine modal_aero_kohler( & rdry_in, hygro, s, rwet_out, im ) ! calculates equlibrium radius r of haze droplets as function of ! dry particle mass and relative humidity s using kohler solution ! given in pruppacher and klett (eqn 6-35) ! for multiple aerosol types, assumes an internal mixture of aerosols implicit none ! arguments integer :: im ! number of grid points to be processed real(r8) :: rdry_in(:) ! aerosol dry radius (m) real(r8) :: hygro(:) ! aerosol volume-mean hygroscopicity (--) real(r8) :: s(:) ! relative humidity (1 = saturated) real(r8) :: rwet_out(:) ! aerosol wet radius (m) ! local variables integer, parameter :: imax=200 integer :: i, n, nsol real(r8) :: a, b real(r8) :: p40(imax),p41(imax),p42(imax),p43(imax) ! coefficients of polynomial real(r8) :: p30(imax),p31(imax),p32(imax) ! coefficients of polynomial real(r8) :: p real(r8) :: r3, r4 real(r8) :: r(im) ! wet radius (microns) real(r8) :: rdry(imax) ! radius of dry particle (microns) real(r8) :: ss ! relative humidity (1 = saturated) real(r8) :: slog(imax) ! log relative humidity real(r8) :: vol(imax) ! total volume of particle (microns**3) real(r8) :: xi, xr complex(r8) :: cx4(4,imax),cx3(3,imax) real(r8), parameter :: eps = 1.e-4_r8 real(r8), parameter :: mw = 18._r8 real(r8), parameter :: pi = 3.14159_r8 real(r8), parameter :: rhow = 1._r8 real(r8), parameter :: surften = 76._r8 real(r8), parameter :: tair = 273._r8 real(r8), parameter :: third = 1._r8/3._r8 real(r8), parameter :: ugascon = 8.3e7_r8 ! effect of organics on surface tension is neglected a=2.e4_r8*mw*surften/(ugascon*tair*rhow) do i=1,im rdry(i) = rdry_in(i)*1.0e6_r8 ! convert (m) to (microns) vol(i) = rdry(i)**3 ! vol is r**3, not volume b = vol(i)*hygro(i) ! quartic ss=min(s(i),1._r8-eps) ss=max(ss,1.e-10_r8) slog(i)=log(ss) p43(i)=-a/slog(i) p42(i)=0._r8 p41(i)=b/slog(i)-vol(i) p40(i)=a*vol(i)/slog(i) ! cubic for rh=1 p32(i)=0._r8 p31(i)=-b/a p30(i)=-vol(i) end do do 100 i=1,im ! if(vol(i).le.1.e-20)then if(vol(i).le.1.e-12_r8)then r(i)=rdry(i) go to 100 endif p=abs(p31(i))/(rdry(i)*rdry(i)) if( ! approximate solution for small particles r(i)=rdry(i)*(1._r8+p*third/(1._r8-slog(i)*rdry(i)/a)) else call makoh_quartic(cx4(1,i),p43(i),p42(i),p41(i),p40(i),1) ! find smallest real(r8) solution r(i)=1000._r8*rdry(i) nsol=0 do n=1,4 xr=real(cx4(n,i)) xi=aimag(cx4(n,i)) if(abs(xi).gt.abs(xr)*eps) cycle if( cycle if(*(1._r8-eps)) cycle if( cycle r(i)=xr nsol=n end do if(nsol.eq.0)then write(iulog,*) & 'ccm kohlerc - no real(r8) solution found (quartic)' write(iulog,*)'roots =', (cx4(n,i),n=1,4) write(iulog,*)'p0-p3 =', p40(i), p41(i), p42(i), p43(i) write(iulog,*)'rh=',s(i) write(iulog,*)'setting radius to dry radius=',rdry(i) r(i)=rdry(i) ! stop endif endif if(s(i).gt.1._r8-eps)then ! save quartic solution at s=1-eps r4=r(i) ! cubic for rh=1 p=abs(p31(i))/(rdry(i)*rdry(i)) if( r(i)=rdry(i)*(1._r8+p*third) else call makoh_cubic(cx3,p32,p31,p30,im) ! find smallest real(r8) solution r(i)=1000._r8*rdry(i) nsol=0 do n=1,3 xr=real(cx3(n,i)) xi=aimag(cx3(n,i)) if(abs(xi).gt.abs(xr)*eps) cycle if( cycle if(*(1._r8-eps)) cycle if( cycle r(i)=xr nsol=n end do if(nsol.eq.0)then write(iulog,*) & 'ccm kohlerc - no real(r8) solution found (cubic)' write(iulog,*)'roots =', (cx3(n,i),n=1,3) write(iulog,*)'p0-p2 =', p30(i), p31(i), p32(i) write(iulog,*)'rh=',s(i) write(iulog,*)'setting radius to dry radius=',rdry(i) r(i)=rdry(i) ! stop endif endif r3=r(i) ! now interpolate between quartic, cubic solutions r(i)=(r4*(1._r8-s(i))+r3*(s(i)-1._r8+eps))/eps endif 100 continue ! bound and convert from microns to m do i=1,im r(i) = min(r(i),30._r8) ! upper bound based on 1 day lifetime rwet_out(i) = r(i)*1.e-6_r8 end do return end subroutine modal_aero_kohler !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine makoh_cubic( cx, p2, p1, p0, im ) ! ! solves x**3 + p2 x**2 + p1 x + p0 = 0 ! where p0, p1, p2 are real ! integer, parameter :: imx=200 integer :: im real(r8) :: p0(imx), p1(imx), p2(imx) complex(r8) :: cx(3,imx) integer :: i real(r8) :: eps, q(imx), r(imx), sqrt3, third complex(r8) :: ci, cq, crad(imx), cw, cwsq, cy(imx), cz(imx) save eps data eps/1.e-20_r8/ third=1._r8/3._r8 ci=cmplx(0._r8,1._r8,r8) sqrt3=sqrt(3._r8) cw=0.5_r8*(-1+ci*sqrt3) cwsq=0.5_r8*(-1-ci*sqrt3) do i=1,im if(p1(i).eq.0._r8)then ! completely insoluble particle cx(1,i)=(-p0(i))**third cx(2,i)=cx(1,i) cx(3,i)=cx(1,i) else q(i)=p1(i)/3._r8 r(i)=p0(i)/2._r8 crad(i)=r(i)*r(i)+q(i)*q(i)*q(i) crad(i)=sqrt(crad(i)) cy(i)=r(i)-crad(i) if (abs(cy(i)).gt.eps) cy(i)=cy(i)**third cq=q(i) cz(i)=-cq/cy(i) cx(1,i)=-cy(i)-cz(i) cx(2,i)=-cw*cy(i)-cwsq*cz(i) cx(3,i)=-cwsq*cy(i)-cw*cz(i) endif enddo return end subroutine makoh_cubic !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine makoh_quartic( cx, p3, p2, p1, p0, im ) ! solves x**4 + p3 x**3 + p2 x**2 + p1 x + p0 = 0 ! where p0, p1, p2, p3 are real ! integer, parameter :: imx=200 integer :: im real(r8) :: p0(imx), p1(imx), p2(imx), p3(imx) complex(r8) :: cx(4,imx) integer :: i real(r8) :: third, q(imx), r(imx) complex(r8) :: cb(imx), cb0(imx), cb1(imx), & crad(imx), cy(imx), czero czero=cmplx(0.0_r8,0.0_r8,r8) third=1._r8/3._r8 do 10 i=1,im q(i)=-p2(i)*p2(i)/36._r8+(p3(i)*p1(i)-4*p0(i))/12._r8 r(i)=-(p2(i)/6)**3+p2(i)*(p3(i)*p1(i)-4*p0(i))/48._r8 & +(4*p0(i)*p2(i)-p0(i)*p3(i)*p3(i)-p1(i)*p1(i))/16 crad(i)=r(i)*r(i)+q(i)*q(i)*q(i) crad(i)=sqrt(crad(i)) cb(i)=r(i)-crad(i) if(cb(i).eq.czero)then ! insoluble particle cx(1,i)=(-p1(i))**third cx(2,i)=cx(1,i) cx(3,i)=cx(1,i) cx(4,i)=cx(1,i) else cb(i)=cb(i)**third cy(i)=-cb(i)+q(i)/cb(i)+p2(i)/6 cb0(i)=sqrt(cy(i)*cy(i)-p0(i)) cb1(i)=(p3(i)*cy(i)-p1(i))/(2*cb0(i)) cb(i)=p3(i)/2+cb1(i) crad(i)=cb(i)*cb(i)-4*(cy(i)+cb0(i)) crad(i)=sqrt(crad(i)) cx(1,i)=(-cb(i)+crad(i))/2._r8 cx(2,i)=(-cb(i)-crad(i))/2._r8 cb(i)=p3(i)/2-cb1(i) crad(i)=cb(i)*cb(i)-4*(cy(i)-cb0(i)) crad(i)=sqrt(crad(i)) cx(3,i)=(-cb(i)+crad(i))/2._r8 cx(4,i)=(-cb(i)-crad(i))/2._r8 endif 10 continue return end subroutine makoh_quartic !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine calc_h2so4_equilib_mixrat( temp, pres, qh2o, dmean, & qh2so4_equilib, wtpct, sulden ) implicit none real(r8), intent(in) :: temp ! temperature (K) real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! pressure (Pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: qh2o ! water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: dmean ! mean diameter of particles in each mode real(r8), intent(out) :: qh2so4_equilib ! h2so4 saturation mixing ratios over the particles (mol/mol) real(r8), intent(out) :: wtpct ! sulfate composition, weight % H2SO4 real(r8), intent(out) :: sulden ! sulfate aerosol mass density (g/cm3) ! Local declarations real(r8) :: qh2o_kelvin ! water vapor specific humidity adjusted for Kelvin effect (kg/kg) real(r8) :: wtpct_flat ! sulfate composition over a flat surface, weight % H2SO4 real(r8) :: fk1, fk4, fk4_1, fk4_2 real(r8) :: factor_kulm ! Kulmala correction terms real(r8) :: en, t, sig1, sig2, frac, surf_tens, surf_tens_mode, dsigma_dwt real(r8) :: den1, den2, sulfate_density, drho_dwt real(r8) :: akelvin, expon, akas, rkelvinH2O, rkelvinH2O_a, rkelvinH2O_b real(r8) :: sulfequil, r real(r8), parameter :: t0_kulm = 340._r8 ! T0 set in the low end of the Ayers measurement range (338-445K) real(r8), parameter :: t_crit_kulm = 905._r8 ! Critical temperature = 1.5 * Boiling point real(r8), parameter :: fk0 = -10156._r8 / t0_kulm + 16.259_r8 ! Log(Kulmala correction factor) real(r8), parameter :: fk2 = 1._r8 / t0_kulm real(r8), parameter :: fk3 = 0.38_r8 / (t_crit_kulm - t0_kulm) real(r8), parameter :: RGAS = 8.31430e+07_r8 ! ideal gas constant (erg/mol/K) real(r8), parameter :: wtmol_h2so4 = 98.078479_r8 ! molecular weight of sulphuric acid real(r8), parameter :: wtmol_h2o = 18.015280_r8 ! molecular weight of water vapor real(r8), parameter :: wtmol_air = 28.9644_r8 ! molecular weight of dry air real(r8) :: gv_wt_abcd_en(6,95), gvh2ovp(95) real(r8) :: dnwtp(46), dnc0(46), dnc1(46) real(r8) :: stwtp(15), stc0(15), stc1(15) integer :: i, k data stwtp/0._r8, 23.8141_r8, 38.0279_r8, 40.6856_r8, 45.335_r8, 52.9305_r8, & 56.2735_r8, 59.8557_r8, 66.2364_r8, 73.103_r8, 79.432_r8, 85.9195_r8, & 91.7444_r8, 97.6687_r8, 100._r8/ data stc0/117.564_r8, 103.303_r8, 101.796_r8, 100.42_r8, 98.4993_r8, 91.8866_r8, & 88.3033_r8, 86.5546_r8, 84.471_r8, 81.2939_r8, 79.3556_r8, 75.608_r8, & 70.0777_r8, 63.7412_r8, 61.4591_r8 / data stc1/-0.153641_r8, -0.0982007_r8, -0.0872379_r8, -0.0818509_r8, & -0.0746702_r8, -0.0522399_r8, -0.0407773_r8, -0.0357946_r8, -0.0317062_r8, & -0.025825_r8, -0.0267212_r8, -0.0269204_r8, -0.0276187_r8, -0.0302094_r8, & -0.0303081_r8 / data dnwtp / 0._r8, 1._r8, 5._r8, 10._r8, 20._r8, 25._r8, 30._r8, 35._r8, 40._r8, & 41._r8, 45._r8, 50._r8, 53._r8, 55._r8, 56._r8, 60._r8, 65._r8, 66._r8, 70._r8, & 72._r8, 73._r8, 74._r8, 75._r8, 76._r8, 78._r8, 79._r8, 80._r8, 81._r8, 82._r8, & 83._r8, 84._r8, 85._r8, 86._r8, 87._r8, 88._r8, 89._r8, 90._r8, 91._r8, 92._r8, & 93._r8, 94._r8, 95._r8, 96._r8, 97._r8, 98._r8, 100._r8 / data dnc0 / 1._r8, 1.13185_r8, 1.17171_r8, 1.22164_r8, 1.3219_r8, 1.37209_r8, & 1.42185_r8, 1.4705_r8, 1.51767_r8, 1.52731_r8, 1.56584_r8, 1.61834_r8, 1.65191_r8, & 1.6752_r8, 1.68708_r8, 1.7356_r8, 1.7997_r8, 1.81271_r8, 1.86696_r8, 1.89491_r8, & 1.9092_r8, 1.92395_r8, 1.93904_r8, 1.95438_r8, 1.98574_r8, 2.00151_r8, 2.01703_r8, & 2.03234_r8, 2.04716_r8, 2.06082_r8, 2.07363_r8, 2.08461_r8, 2.09386_r8, 2.10143_r8,& 2.10764_r8, 2.11283_r8, 2.11671_r8, 2.11938_r8, 2.12125_r8, 2.1219_r8, 2.12723_r8, & 2.12654_r8, 2.12621_r8, 2.12561_r8, 2.12494_r8, 2.12093_r8 / data dnc1 / 0._r8, -0.000435022_r8, -0.000479481_r8, -0.000531558_r8, -0.000622448_r8, & -0.000660866_r8, -0.000693492_r8, -0.000718251_r8, -0.000732869_r8, -0.000735755_r8, & -0.000744294_r8, -0.000761493_r8, -0.000774238_r8, -0.00078392_r8, -0.000788939_r8, & -0.00080946_r8, -0.000839848_r8, -0.000845825_r8, -0.000874337_r8, -0.000890074_r8, & -0.00089873_r8, -0.000908778_r8, -0.000920012_r8, -0.000932184_r8, -0.000959514_r8, & -0.000974043_r8, -0.000988264_r8, -0.00100258_r8, -0.00101634_r8, -0.00102762_r8, & -0.00103757_r8, -0.00104337_r8, -0.00104563_r8, -0.00104458_r8, -0.00104144_r8, & -0.00103719_r8, -0.00103089_r8, -0.00102262_r8, -0.00101355_r8, -0.00100249_r8, & -0.00100934_r8, -0.000998299_r8, -0.000990961_r8, -0.000985845_r8, -0.000984529_r8, & -0.000989315_r8 / ! Saturation vapor pressure of sulfuric acid ! ! Limit extrapolation at extreme temperatures t=min(max(temp,140._r8),450._r8) !! Calculate the weight % H2SO4 composition of sulfate call calc_h2so4_wtpct(t, pres, qh2o, wtpct_flat) !! Calculate surface tension (erg/cm2) of sulfate of !! different compositions as a linear function of temperature. i = 2 ! minimum wt% is 29.517 do while ( i = i + 1 end do sig1 = stc0(i-1) + stc1(i-1) * t sig2 = stc0(i) + stc1(i) * t ! calculate derivative needed later for kelvin factor for h2o dsigma_dwt = (sig2-sig1) / (stwtp(i)-stwtp(i-1)) surf_tens = sig1 + dsigma_dwt*(wtpct_flat-stwtp(i)) !! Calculate density (g/cm3) of sulfate of !! different compositions as a linear function of temperature. i = 6 ! minimum wt% is 29.517 do while (wtpct_flat .gt. dnwtp(i)) i = i + 1 end do den1 = dnc0(i-1) + dnc1(i-1) * t den2 = dnc0(i) + dnc1(i) * t ! Calculate derivative needed later for Kelvin factor for H2O drho_dwt = (den2-den1) / (dnwtp(i)-dnwtp(i-1)) sulfate_density = den1 + drho_dwt * (wtpct_flat-dnwtp(i-1)) r=dmean*100._r8/2._r8 ! calcuate mode radius (cm) from diameter (m) ! Adjust for Kelvin effect for water rkelvinH2O_b = 1 + wtpct_flat * drho_dwt / & sulfate_density - 3._r8 * wtpct_flat * dsigma_dwt / (2._r8*surf_tens) rkelvinH2O_a = 2._r8 * wtmol_h2so4 * surf_tens / & (sulfate_density * RGAS * t * r) rkelvinH2O = exp (rkelvinH2O_a*rkelvinH2O_b) qh2o_kelvin = qh2o/rkelvinH2O call calc_h2so4_wtpct(t, pres, qh2o_kelvin, wtpct) wtpct=max(wtpct,wtpct_flat) ! Parameterized fit to Giauque's (1959) enthalpies v. wt %: en = 4.184_r8 * (23624.8_r8 - 1.14208e8_r8 / ((wtpct - 105.318_r8)**2 + 4798.69_r8)) en = max(en, 0.0_r8) !! Calculate surface tension (erg/cm2) of sulfate of !! different compositions as a linear function of temperature. i = 2 ! minimum wt% is 29.517 do while ( i=i+1 end do sig1=stc0(i-1)+stc1(i-1)*t sig2=stc0(i)+stc1(i)*t frac=(stwtp(i)-wtpct)/(stwtp(i)-stwtp(i-1)) surf_tens_mode=sig1*frac+sig2*(1.0_r8-frac) !! Calculate density (g/cm3) of sulfate of !! different compositions as a linear function of temperature. i = 6 ! minimum wt% is 29.517 do while (wtpct .gt. dnwtp(i)) i=i+1 end do den1=dnc0(i-1)+dnc1(i-1)*t den2=dnc0(i)+dnc1(i)*t frac=(dnwtp(i)-wtpct)/(dnwtp(i)-dnwtp(i-1)) sulden=den1*frac+den2*(1.0_r8-frac) ! Ayers' (1980) fit to sulfuric acid equilibrium vapor pressure: ! (Remember this is the log) ! SULFEQ=-10156/Temp+16.259-En/(8.3143*Temp) ! ! Kulmala correction (J. CHEM. PHYS. V.93, No.1, 1 July 1990) fk1 = -1._r8 / t fk4_1 = log(t0_kulm / t) fk4_2 = t0_kulm / t fk4 = 1.0_r8 + fk4_1 - fk4_2 factor_kulm = fk1 + fk2 + fk3 * fk4 ! This is for pure H2SO4 sulfequil = fk0 + 10156._r8 * factor_kulm ! Adjust for WTPCT composition: sulfequil = sulfequil - en / (8.3143_r8 * t) ! Take the exponential: sulfequil = exp(sulfequil) ! Convert atmospheres ==> Pa sulfequil = sulfequil * 1.01325e5_r8 ! Convert Pa ==> mol/mol sulfequil = sulfequil / pres ! Calculate Kelvin curvature factor for H2SO4 interactively with temperature: ! (g/mol)*(erg/cm2)/(K * g/cm3 * erg/mol/K) = cm akelvin = 2._r8 * wtmol_h2so4 * surf_tens_mode / (t * sulden * RGAS) expon = akelvin / r ! divide by mode radius (cm) expon = max(-100._r8, expon) expon = min(100._r8, expon) akas = exp( expon ) qh2so4_equilib = sulfequil * akas ! reduce H2SO4 equilibrium mixing ratio by Kelvin curvature factor return end subroutine calc_h2so4_equilib_mixrat !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine calc_h2so4_wtpct( temp, pres, qh2o, wtpct ) !! This function calculates the weight % H2SO4 composition of !! sulfate aerosol, using Tabazadeh et. al. (GRL, 1931, 1997). !! Rated for T=185-260K, activity=0.01-1.0 !! !! Argument list input: !! temp = temperature (K) !! pres = atmospheric pressure (Pa) !! qh2o = water specific humidity (kg/kg) !! !! Output: !! wtpct = weight % H2SO4 in H2O/H2SO4 particle (0-100) !! !! @author Mike Mills !! @ version October 2013 use wv_saturation, only: qsat_water implicit none real(r8), intent(in) :: temp ! temperature (K) real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! pressure (Pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: qh2o ! water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(out) :: wtpct ! sulfate weight % H2SO4 composition ! Local declarations real(r8) :: atab1,btab1,ctab1,dtab1,atab2,btab2,ctab2,dtab2 real(r8) :: contl, conth, contt, conwtp real(r8) :: activ real(r8) :: es ! saturation vapor pressure over water (Pa) (dummy) real(r8) :: qs ! saturation specific humidity over water (kg/kg) ! calculate saturation specific humidity over pure water, qs (kg/kg) call qsat_water(temp, pres, es, qs) ! Activity = water specific humidity (kg/kg) / equilibrium water (kg/kg) activ = qh2o/qs if ( then activ = max(activ,1.e-6_r8) ! restrict minimum activity atab1 = 12.37208932_r8 btab1 = -0.16125516114_r8 ctab1 = -30.490657554_r8 dtab1 = -2.1133114241_r8 atab2 = 13.455394705_r8 btab2 = -0.1921312255_r8 ctab2 = -34.285174607_r8 dtab2 = -1.7620073078_r8 elseif ( then atab1 = 11.820654354_r8 btab1 = -0.20786404244_r8 ctab1 = -4.807306373_r8 dtab1 = -5.1727540348_r8 atab2 = 12.891938068_r8 btab2 = -0.23233847708_r8 ctab2 = -6.4261237757_r8 dtab2 = -4.9005471319_r8 elseif ( then activ = min(activ,1._r8) ! restrict maximum activity atab1 = -180.06541028_r8 btab1 = -0.38601102592_r8 ctab1 = -93.317846778_r8 dtab1 = 273.88132245_r8 atab2 = -176.95814097_r8 btab2 = -0.36257048154_r8 ctab2 = -90.469744201_r8 dtab2 = 267.45509988_r8 else write(iulog,*) 'calc_h2so4_wtpct: invalid activity: activ,qh2o,qs,temp,pres=',activ,qh2o,qs,temp,pres call endrun( 'calc_h2so4_wtpct error' ) return endif contl = atab1*(activ**btab1)+ctab1*activ+dtab1 conth = atab2*(activ**btab2)+ctab2*activ+dtab2 contt = contl + (conth-contl) * ((temp -190._r8)/70._r8) conwtp = (contt*98._r8) + 1000._r8 wtpct = (100._r8*contt*98._r8)/conwtp wtpct = min(max(wtpct,25._r8),100._r8) ! restrict between 1 and 100 % return end subroutine calc_h2so4_wtpct !---------------------------------------------------------------------- end module modal_aero_wateruptake