module stack use netcdf_utils, only : handle_ncerr implicit none include '' CONTAINS subroutine stkFileRead( stkFile ) use anthro_types, only : stack_type TYPE(stack_type), intent(inout) :: stkFile integer :: ncid integer :: dimid, varid integer :: status character(len=132) :: varname character(len=132) :: message write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'stkFileRead: Initializing type for stack file ' // trim(stkFile%filename) !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! open stack dataset file !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ message = 'stkFileRead: Failed to open ' // trim(stkFile%filespec) call handle_ncerr( nf_open( trim(stkFile%filespec), nf_noclobber, ncid ), message ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get stack dataset dimesions !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'stkFileRead: Failed to get ROW dimension id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimid( ncid, 'ROW', dimid ), message ) message = 'stkFileRead: Failed to get ROW dimension' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimlen( ncid, dimid, stkFile%nStk ), message ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate stack longitudes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( allocated( stkFile%longitude ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%longitude ) endif allocate( stkFile%longitude(stkFile%nStk),stat=status ) if( status /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'stkFileRead: Failed to allocate longitude; error = ',status stop 'allocate failed' endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate stack latitudes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( allocated( stkFile%latitude ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%latitude ) endif allocate( stkFile%latitude(stkFile%nStk),stat=status ) if( status /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'stkFileRead: Failed to allocate latitude; error = ',status stop 'allocate failed' endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate stack height !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( allocated( stkFile%stkHt ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%stkHt ) endif allocate( stkFile%stkHt(stkFile%nStk),stat=status ) if( status /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'stkFileRead: Failed to allocate stkHt; error = ',status stop 'allocate failed' endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate model i,j,k !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( allocated( stkFile%mdl_i ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%mdl_i ) endif allocate( stkFile%mdl_i(stkFile%nStk),stat=status ) if( status /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'stkFileRead: Failed to allocate mdl_i; error = ',status stop 'allocate failed' endif if( allocated( stkFile%mdl_j ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%mdl_j ) endif allocate( stkFile%mdl_j(stkFile%nStk),stat=status ) if( status /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'stkFileRead: Failed to allocate mdl_j; error = ',status stop 'allocate failed' endif if( allocated( stkFile%mdl_k ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%mdl_k ) endif allocate( stkFile%mdl_k(stkFile%nStk),stat=status ) if( status /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'stkFileRead: Failed to allocate mdl_k; error = ',status stop 'allocate failed' endif stkFile%mdl_i(:) = 0 ; stkFile%mdl_j(:) = 0 ; stkFile%mdl_k(:) = 0 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate stack mask !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( allocated( stkFile%dataMask ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%dataMask ) endif allocate( stkFile%dataMask(stkFile%nStk),stat=status ) if( status /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'stkFileRead: Failed to allocate dataMask; error = ',status stop 'allocate failed' endif stkFile%dataMask(:) = .false. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read stack longitude variable !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'stkFileRead: Failed to get longitude id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'LONGITUDE', varid ), message ) message = 'stkFileRead: Failed to read longitude variable' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, stkFile%longitude ), message ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read stack latitude variable !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'stkFileRead: Failed to get latitude id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'LATITUDE', varid ), message ) message = 'stkFileRead: Failed to read latitude variable' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, stkFile%latitude ), message ) !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! read stack height variable !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ message = 'stkFileRead: Failed to get height id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'STKHT', varid ), message ) message = 'stkFileRead: Failed to read height variable' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, stkFile%stkHt ), message ) status = nf_close( ncid ) end subroutine stkFileRead subroutine stkFileInit( stkFile, mdlGrid, emissions_zdim_stag ) use anthro_types, only : stack_type, model_grid_type use area_mapper, only : ll_2_ij integer, intent(in) :: emissions_zdim_stag TYPE(stack_type ) :: stkFile TYPE(model_grid_type) :: mdlGrid real, parameter :: lower = .5 integer :: im, jm, k, ktop integer :: stk real :: x, y real :: upperX, upperY real :: stkZ real :: gridZ(mdlGrid%nlevs+1) upperX = real(mdlGrid%nlons) + lower upperY = real(mdlGrid%nlats) + lower stk_loop: & do stk = 1,stkFile%nstk !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! stack in model horizontal domain? !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ call ll_2_ij( stkFile%latitude(stk), stkFile%longitude(stk), x, y ) if( (lower <= x .and. x < upperX) .and. (lower <= y .and. y < upperY) ) then stkFile%dataMask(stk) = .true. stkFile%mdl_i(stk) = nint(x) stkFile%mdl_j(stk) = nint(y) else stkFile%dataMask(stk) = .false. cycle stk_loop endif !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! stack in model vertical domain? !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ktop = mdlGrid%nlevs if( stkFile%dataMask(stk) ) then im = stkFile%mdl_i(stk) ; jm = stkFile%mdl_j(stk) if( mdlGrid%mdl_is_CAM ) then gridZ(:) = mdlGrid%z_at_w(1,:,1) else gridZ(:) = mdlGrid%z_at_w(im,:,jm) endif stkZ = stkFile%stkHt(stk) if( stkZ >= gridZ(1) .and. stkZ <= gridZ(ktop+1) ) then do k = 2,ktop+1 if( stkZ <= gridZ(k) ) then stkFile%mdl_k(stk) = k - 1 exit endif enddo if( stkFile%mdl_k(stk) > emissions_zdim_stag ) then stkFile%dataMask(stk) = .false. endif else stkFile%dataMask(stk) = .false. endif endif enddo stk_loop end subroutine stkFileInit subroutine stkFileCleanup( stkFile ) use anthro_types, only : stack_type TYPE(stack_type) :: stkFile if( allocated( stkFile%mdl_i ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%mdl_i ) endif if( allocated( stkFile%mdl_j ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%mdl_j ) endif if( allocated( stkFile%mdl_k ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%mdl_k ) endif if( allocated( stkFile%longitude ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%longitude ) endif if( allocated( stkFile%latitude ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%latitude ) endif if( allocated( stkFile%stkHt ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%stkHt ) endif if( allocated( stkFile%emis ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%emis ) endif if( allocated( stkFile%src_data ) ) then deallocate( stkFile%src_data ) endif end subroutine stkFileCleanup end module stack