#!/bin/csh set OP_SYS=`uname -s` if( ! $?FC ) then if( $OP_SYS == "Linux" ) then setenv FC pgf90 else setenv FC xlf90 endif endif echo "=============================================================================" which ${FC} > /dev/null if( $status ) then echo "Can't find fortran compiler ${FC}" echo "Please specify the fortran compiler by setting the FC environment variable" echo "=============================================================================" exit -1 else echo "Using ${FC} fortran compiler" echo "=============================================================================" endif if( ! $?NETCDF_DIR ) then #------------------------------------------------------------ # check for netcdf library #------------------------------------------------------------ set found_ncf_lib = 0 foreach tst_dir (/usr/local /usr /opt) foreach tst_lib (lib64 lib netcdf) if( -e $tst_dir/$tst_lib/libnetcdf.a ) then set found_ncf_lib = 1 break endif end if( $found_ncf_lib ) then break endif end if( $OP_SYS == "Linux" ) then if( $found_ncf_lib ) then setenv NETCDF_DIR $tst_dir else setenv NETCDF_DIR /usr/ endif else if( $found_ncf_lib ) then setenv NETCDF_DIR $tst_dir else setenv NETCDF_DIR /usr/local endif endif endif echo "=============================================================================" if( ! -d ${NETCDF_DIR} ) then echo "Can't find netcdf top level directory ${NETCDF_DIR}" echo "Please specify the directory by setting the NETCDF_DIR environment variable" echo "=============================================================================" exit -1 else echo "netcdf top level directory = ${NETCDF_DIR}" echo "=============================================================================" endif set ar_libs = -lnetcdf if( -e ${NETCDF_DIR}/lib/libnetcdff.a ) then set ar_libs = "${ar_libs} -lnetcdff" endif make clean >& /dev/null make AR_FILES="${ar_libs}" || echo "Failed to build fire_emis" && exit -1 echo " " make cleanup >& /dev/null echo "++++++++++++++" echo "mozbc build Ok" echo "++++++++++++++"