; This is main.pro ; ****************************** ; Open an output ascii file iout=20 openw,iout,'f.out' printf,iout,' ' printf,iout,' /ur/massie/libera/json/main.pro' ; itask=10 Generate a newair.json file for pure air with multiple cases based upon ; a template file. Calculate for two wavelength bands (300-700 nm), (700 - 5000 nm). ; Takes 8.5 hours ; itask=15 Generate a newcld.json file for stratocumulus with multiple cases based upon ; a template file. Calculate for two wavelength bands (300-700 nm), (700 - 5000 nm). ; itask=20 Look at MODTRAN6 PLT files to estimate sensitivity to ; the number of streams in the calculation. 4 files ; Found out that 16 streams is best choice. ; itask=25 Look at the PLT files you created, do the different azimuths give different radiances? ; itask=30 Look at the FLX files you created, do the different azimuths give different integrated fluxes? ; itask=40 Generate a newair.json file for pure air with multiple cases based upon ; a template file. Calculate for two wavelength bands (300-700 nm), (700 - 5000 nm). ; The json file has 9 sensorzen values ; This assumes that you can use the same surface reflectance values for all calculations ; This may not apply for Cox-Munk case where you need to read in separate surface file for each sensorzen case ; This may be helpful for Lambertain calculations over land ; itask=45 Generate a newcld.json file for stratocumulus with multiple cases based upon ; a template file. Calculate for two wavelength bands (300-700 nm), (700 - 5000 nm). ; The json file has 9 sensorzen values ; This assumes that you can use the same surface reflectance values for all calculations ; This may not apply for Cox-Munk case where you need to read in separate surface file for each sensorzen case ; This may be helpful for Lambertain calculations over land itask=45 ; ****************************** if (itask eq 10) then begin task10,iout endif if (itask eq 15) then begin task15,iout endif if (itask eq 20) then begin task20,iout endif if (itask eq 25) then begin task25,iout endif if (itask eq 30) then begin task30,iout endif if (itask eq 40) then begin task40,iout endif if (itask eq 45) then begin task45,iout endif ; ****************************** stop end