MODULE IO USE PARAMETERS USE DICO USE CONC USE USER_INPUT USE SORTING USE NCUTILS IMPLICIT NONE integer, parameter :: read_unit = 19, write_unit = 20 integer, parameter :: filenames_length = 400 integer, parameter :: header_length = lfo+lco character*(filenames_length) :: filename character*(10) :: boxname CONTAINS SUBROUTINE get_userinfo() integer :: i ! default values if not provided nbox = 1 nprecu = 0 input_type = "binary" precursor_codes = " " selected_species = '' flag_chon = .true. flag_selected = .true. flag_phasedist = .true. flag_contributingspecs = .true. flag_soayield = .true. flag_functions = .true. flag_carbonchain = .true. flag_topspec = .true. n_topspecies = 10 flag_atomratios = .true. flag_potential_atomratios = .true. flag_pvap = .true. flag_cstar = .true. flag_henry = .true. flag_elementscontrib = .true. flag_phasestate = .true. flag_entropy = .true. flag_chochonfreq = .true. flag_dbeai = .true. flag_massspectrum = .true. flag_amsfactors = .true. flag_bubble = .true. flag_nitrates = .true. flag_dyn_filter = .false. gas_dyn_filter = " " aer_dyn_filter = " " flag_smiles = .false. flag_ohexposure = .false. seed_mass = 10. seed_molw = 250. skip_time = 1 OPEN(read_unit, file = "userinput.nml") READ(read_unit, nml = userinput) CLOSE(read_unit) nprecu = count(precursor_codes .ne. " ") if (nprecu == 0) then write(6,*) ' --error-- no precursor code was initialized in ' write(6,*) ' userinput.nml' stop endif do i = 1, nprecu precursor_codes(i) = trim(precursor_codes(i)) PRINT*,"PRECU= ",precursor_codes(i) enddo if (count(gas_dyn_filter .ne. " ") + count(aer_dyn_filter .ne. " ") > 0) then flag_dyn_filter = .true. endif if (.not.(flag_chon .or. flag_selected .or. flag_phasedist .or. flag_contributingspecs .or. flag_soayield .or. & flag_functions .or. flag_carbonchain .or. flag_topspec .or.flag_atomratios.or.flag_pvap.or.flag_cstar.or.flag_henry.or. & flag_elementscontrib .or. flag_phasestate .or. flag_entropy .or. flag_chochonfreq .or. flag_dbeai .or. & flag_massspectrum .or. flag_amsfactors .or. flag_bubble .or. flag_nitrates .or. flag_dyn_filter .or. flag_ohexposure .or. & flag_potential_atomratios)) then write(6,*) ' --error-- no posttreatment flag was activated in' write(6,*) ' userinput.nml' write(6,*) 'we should stop here' stop endif END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE read_dict() integer :: i character*(ldi) :: line !find number of species write(6,*) ' opening: ', trim(filename) open(read_unit, file = filename, status = 'OLD') ndic = 0 do i = 1, maxsp line = "" read(read_unit, '(a)') line if (line(1:4) == "****") exit if (line(1:5) == ' ' .or. line(1:5) == 'HV ' .or. & line(1:5) == 'M ' .or. line(1:5) == '(M) ') cycle ndic = ndic +1 enddo write(6,*) 'found ', ndic, ' dictionary species in ', trim(filename) if (ndic >= maxsp) then write(6,*) ' -- error -- too many species in dictionary ' STOP endif write(6,*) 'reading ', trim(filename) if( allocated(dictionary)) deallocate(dictionary) allocate(dictionary(ndic)) rewind(read_unit) do i = 1, maxsp line = "" read(read_unit,'(a)') line if (line(1:4) == "****") exit if (line(1:5) == ' ' .or. line(1:5) == 'HV ' .or. & line(1:5) == 'M ' .or. line(1:5) == '(M) ') cycle read(line, '(A6, 3X, A120, 2X, A15)') dictionary(i)%code, dictionary(i)%formula, dictionary(i)%functions enddo close(read_unit) END SUBROUTINE read_dict SUBROUTINE read_ppf() integer :: numextra, lensp, dummy1, dummy2, i, j integer :: counter character*(maxlsp) :: namextra1, namextra2, namextra3 real :: t0, dummy write(6,*) ' opening: ', trim(filename) open(read_unit, file = filename, status = 'OLD', form = 'UNFORMATTED') ! read parameters of the file and check the size read(read_unit) numsp, numextra, lensp, dummy1, dummy2 write(6,*) 'found ', numsp, ' mechanism species in ', trim(filename) if (numsp >= maxsp) then write(6,*) ' -- error -- too many species in ppf file ' STOP endif if (numextra /= 3) then WRITE(6,*) '--error--, length of the header not correct' STOP endif !if(.not. ALLOCATED(species)) then if(ALLOCATED(species)) deallocate(species) allocate(species(numsp)) !endif ! read header read(read_unit) namextra1, namextra2, namextra3, (species(i)%code, i=1, numsp) IF (namextra1(1:5).ne.'TIME ') THEN WRITE(6,*) '--error--, first header expected to be TIME' STOP ENDIF IF (namextra2(1:6).ne.'TEMPER') THEN WRITE(6,*) '--error--, second header expected to be TEMPERATURE' STOP ENDIF IF (namextra3(1:6).ne.'HUMIDI') THEN WRITE(6,*) '--error--, second header expected to be HUMIDITY' STOP ENDIF ndat = 0 counter = 0 t0 = 0. dummy = 0. ! we read the full first hour and every skip_time timestep after that do read(read_unit, end = 50) dummy counter = counter + 1 if ( counter == 1) then t0 = dummy endif if ( dummy <= (t0 + 3600) .or. modulo(counter,skip_time) == 0) then ndat = ndat+1 endif enddo 50 write(6,*) 'found ', ndat, ' data points in ', trim(filename) if (ndat >= mdat) then write(6,*) ' -- error -- too many data points in ppf file ' STOP endif if(allocated(concentrations)) then deallocate(concentrations, time, temperature, pressure, rh) endif allocate(concentrations(ndat, numsp), time(ndat), temperature(ndat), pressure(ndat), rh(ndat)) rewind(read_unit) write(6,*) 'reading ', trim(filename) read(read_unit) ! skip header read(read_unit) ! skip header counter = 0 i = 1 do counter = counter + 1 read(read_unit) time(i), temperature(i), rh(i), (concentrations(i, j), j =1, numsp) if(time(i) <= (t0 + 3600) .or. modulo(counter,skip_time) == 0) then i = i + 1 if (i == (ndat + 1)) exit endif enddo pressure = 1013.25 close(read_unit) END SUBROUTINE read_ppf SUBROUTINE read_pvap() real, dimension(:), allocatable :: Tb, dB character*(maxlsp), dimension(:), allocatable :: name integer :: npvap, i,j, ispec real :: pvap_atm_280_temp ! initialize species%pvap%pvap_atm_298 = 0. species%pvap%pvap_Cstar_298 = 0. species%pvap%delta_H_vap_J_per_mol = 0. open(read_unit, file = filename, status = 'OLD') npvap = 0 do read(read_unit, fmt=*, end = 60) npvap = npvap+1 enddo 60 npvap = npvap - 2 ! account for header and END write(6,*) 'found ', npvap, ' pvap values in ', trim(filename) if (npvap == 0) return allocate(name(npvap), Tb(npvap), dB(npvap)) rewind(read_unit) read(read_unit, fmt=*) do i =1, npvap !three columns to read, name, Tb, dB read(read_unit,'(A7, 2x, f6.1, 2x, f8.4)') name(i), Tb(i), dB(i) enddo do i = 1, npvap do j = 1, len_trim(phase_letter) ispec = find_species_index(phase_letter(j:j)//name(i)(2:7)) !if (ispec .ne. -1) then if (ispec .gt. 0) then species(ispec)%pvap%Tb = Tb(i) species(ispec)%pvap%dB = dB(i) species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_atm_298 = & exp((4.1012 + dB(i)) * ((298/Tb(i)-1)/(298/Tb(i) - 0.125))*log(10.)) !species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_cstar_298 = & ! (1e6*seed_molw*seed_mass*species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_atm_298)/(8.2e-5*298) ! Cstar corrected per CU work call get_number(species(ispec)%formula, species(ispec)%molw,& species(ispec)%nc, species(ispec)%nh, species(ispec)%nn, & species(ispec)%no, species(ispec)%nr, species(ispec)%ns, & species(ispec)%nfl, species(ispec)%nbr, species(ispec)%ncl) species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_cstar_298 = & (1e6*species(ispec)%molw*species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_atm_298)/ & (8.2e-5*298) ! I'm too lazy to solve the clausius-clapeyron equation so here's a quick and dirty way ! Siyuan Wang ( pvap_atm_280_temp = exp((4.1012 + dB(i)) * ((280./Tb(i)-1.)/(280./Tb(i) - 0.125))*log(10.)) species(ispec)%pvap%delta_H_vap_J_per_mol = & log(pvap_atm_280_temp/species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_atm_298) * & 8.314 / (1./298. - 1./280.) else write(6,*) " could not find: ", phase_letter(j:j)//name(i)(2:7) write(6,*) " in subroutine read_pvap" endif enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE read_pvap !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE read_henry real, dimension(:), allocatable :: cf, Keff, rf character*(maxlsp), dimension(:), allocatable :: name integer :: nhenry, i,j, ispec open(read_unit, file = filename, status = 'OLD') nhenry = 0 do read(read_unit, fmt=*, end = 70) nhenry = nhenry+1 enddo 70 nhenry = nhenry -11 ! account for END and 10 lines preamble write(6,*) 'found ', nhenry, ' henry values in ', trim(filename) if (nhenry == 0) return allocate(name(nhenry), cf(nhenry), Keff(nhenry), rf(nhenry) ) rewind(read_unit) ! skip the first 10 lines do i =1, 10 read(read_unit,*) enddo do i =1, nhenry !four columns to cf, Keff, rf, name read(read_unit,'(E7.1,2x,E7.1,2x,E7.1,2x,a7,1x)') cf(i), Keff(i), rf(i), name(i) enddo do i = 1, nhenry do j=1, len_trim(phase_letter) ispec = find_species_index(phase_letter(j:j)// & name(i)(2:len_trim(name(i)))) if (ispec .gt. 0) then species(ispec)%henry%cf = cf(i) species(ispec)%henry%Keff = Keff(i) species(ispec)%henry%rf = rf(i) else if (ispec .lt. 0) then write(6,*) " could not find: ", phase_letter(j:j)//name(i)(2:7) write(6,*) " in subroutine read_henry" endif enddo enddo deallocate(name, cf, Keff, rf ) END SUBROUTINE read_henry SUBROUTINE read_ncdf_dict(ncid) !! subroutine needs to know values of: {maxlsp,lfl,lfo} = {6,120,15} ! OK !! subroutine needs to access routines in ncutil.f !OK !! subroutine DOES NOT need to "use netcdf" !OK integer :: ncid ! integer :: i ! character*(ldi) :: line !read number of species CALL eznc_get_dimension(ncid,"mxdic",ndic) write(6,*) 'found ', ndic, ' dict species in ', trim(filename) if (ndic >= maxsp) then write(6,*) ' -- error -- too many species in dictionary ' STOP endif write(6,*) 'reading ', trim(filename) if( allocated(dictionary)) deallocate(dictionary) allocate(dictionary(ndic)) !read dictionary names, formulae, functional group codes !do i=1, ndic ! CALL eznc_get_1Dchar(ncid,"dicnam",maxlsp,ndic,dictionary(i)%code,i,i) !enddo CALL eznc_get_1Dchar(ncid,"dicnam",lco,ndic,dictionary(:)%code,1,ndic) CALL eznc_get_1Dchar(ncid,"chem",lfo,ndic,dictionary(:)%formula,1,ndic) CALL eznc_get_1Dchar(ncid,"code",lfl,ndic,dictionary(:)%functions,1,ndic) ! PRINT*,"CAUTION! igen read disabled in code" CALL eznc_get_1Dint(ncid,"igen",ndic,dictionary(:)%igen,1,ndic) END SUBROUTINE read_ncdf_dict SUBROUTINE read_ncdf_ppf(ncid, ibox) !! subroutine needs to know values of: {nbox} = {?} !OK !! subroutine needs to access routines in ncutil.f ! OK !! subroutine DOES NOT need to "use netcdf" ! OK integer, intent(in) :: ibox integer :: ncid,mbox real(kind=8),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: temp_conc ! integer :: numextra ! character*(maxlsp) :: namextra1, namextra2, namextra3 ! read parameters of the file and check the size ! read(read_unit) numsp, numextra, lensp, dummy1, dummy2 CALL eznc_get_0Dint(ncid,"numsp",numsp) ! CALL eznc_get_0Dint(ncid,"numextra",numextra) !?? we are not reading lensp (it's not currently used in NetCDF file - should it be?) or dummy1/2. write(6,*) 'found ', numsp, ' mech species in ', trim(filename) if (numsp >= maxsp) then write(6,*) ' -- error -- too many species in output file ' STOP endif if(.not. ALLOCATED(species)) then allocate(species(numsp)) endif ! read header ! read(read_unit) namextra1, namextra2, namextra3, (species(i)%code, i=1, numsp) ! IF (namextra1(1:5).ne.'TIME ') (etc) => "time" ! IF (namextra2(1:6).ne.'TEMPER') (etc) => "tempbot" or "temptop" !! humidity is not currently recorded in NetCDF file - TO DO !! ! IF (namextra3(1:6).ne.'HUMIDI') (etc) => "" CALL eznc_get_1Dchar(ncid,"chrsp",maxlsp,numsp,species(:)%code,1,numsp) ! read number of output times ("ntout") CALL eznc_get_dimension(ncid,"ntout",ndat) ! read number of boxes call eznc_get_dimension(ncid,"mbox",mbox) call eznc_get_0Dint(ncid, "nbox", nbox) write(6,*) 'found ', ndat, ' data points in ', trim(filename) if (ndat >= mdat) then write(6,*) ' -- error -- too many data points in output file ' STOP endif if (ibox > mbox) then write(6, *) ' -- error -- trying to read from a box that does not exist' write(6, *) ibox, '>', mbox stop endif if(allocated(concentrations)) then deallocate(concentrations, time, temperature, pressure, rh, sza) endif allocate(concentrations(ndat, numsp), time(ndat), temperature(ndat), pressure(ndat), rh(ndat), & temp_conc(numsp, ndat), sza(ndat)) write(6,*) 'reading ', trim(filename) CALL eznc_get_1Dreal(ncid,"time",ndat,time(1:ndat),1,ndat) call eznc_get_2Dreal(ncid, "temp", mbox, ndat, temperature(1:ndat),ibox, ibox, 1, ndat) call eznc_get_3Dreal(ncid, "conc",numsp, ndat, nbox, & temp_conc(1:numsp, 1:ndat), & 1,numsp,ibox,ibox,1,ndat) call eznc_get_2Dreal(ncid, "rh", mbox, ndat, rh(1:ndat), ibox, ibox, 1, ndat) !call eznc_get_2Dreal(ncid, "sza", mbox, ndat, sza(1:ndat), ibox, ibox, 1, ndat) !call eznc_get_2Dreal(ncid, "pres", mbox, ndat, pressure(1:ndat), ibox, ibox, 1, ndat) concentrations = transpose(temp_conc) END SUBROUTINE read_ncdf_ppf SUBROUTINE read_ncdf_pvap(ncid) !! subroutine needs to know values of: {maxlsp, mxsat} ! OK !! subroutine needs to access routines in ncutil.f ! OK !! subroutine DOES NOT need to "use netcdf" !OK integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: satid real, dimension(:), allocatable :: Tb, dB real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: satdat ! character*(maxlsp), dimension(:), allocatable :: satname integer :: npvap, i, ispec !, j integer :: ncid integer :: mxsat real :: pvap_atm_280_temp ! read max # of pvap ("mxsat") CALL eznc_get_dimension(ncid,"mxsat",mxsat) ! read npvap ("nsat") CALL eznc_get_0Dint(ncid,"nsat",npvap) write(6,*) 'found ', npvap, ' pvap values in ', trim(filename) if (npvap == 0) return allocate(satid(numsp),satdat(npvap,2)) !allocate(satname(npvap)) allocate(Tb(npvap), dB(npvap)) ! read name !! CAUSES PROG TO CRASH !! ! CALL eznc_get_1Dchar(ncid,"namsat",maxlsp,mxsat,satname,1,npvap) ! PRINT*,"CAUTION: READING NAMNAN NOT NAMSAT: TEMPORARY HARDWIRE" ! CALL eznc_get_1Dchar(ncid,"namnan",maxlsp,mxsat,satname,1,npvap) ! read name, Tb, dB CALL eznc_get_2Dreal(ncid,"nandat",mxsat,2,satdat(1:npvap,1:2),1,npvap,1,2) Tb=satdat(:,1) dB=satdat(:,2) ! find index for species... !... or you could read it from the NetCDF file ... CALL eznc_get_1Dint(ncid,"satid",maxsp,satid(1:numsp),1,numsp) ! PRINT*,"CAUTION: READING NANID NOT SATID: TEMPORARY HARDWIRE" ! CALL eznc_get_1Dint(ncid,"nanid",maxsp,satid(1:numsp),1,numsp) do ispec = 1, numsp i = satid(ispec) if (i .ne. 0) then species(ispec)%pvap%Tb = Tb(i) species(ispec)%pvap%dB = dB(i) species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_atm_298 = & exp((4.1012 + dB(i)) * ((298/Tb(i)-1)/(298/Tb(i) - 0.125))*log(10.)) !species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_cstar_298 = & ! (1e6*seed_molw*seed_mass*species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_atm_298)/(8.2e-5*298) ! Cstar corrected per CU work call get_number(species(ispec)%formula, species(ispec)%molw,& species(ispec)%nc, species(ispec)%nh, species(ispec)%nn, & species(ispec)%no, species(ispec)%nr, species(ispec)%ns, & species(ispec)%nfl, species(ispec)%nbr, species(ispec)%ncl) species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_cstar_298 = & (1e6*species(ispec)%molw*species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_atm_298)/ & (8.2e-5*298) ! I'm too lazy to solve the clausius-clapeyron equation so here's a quick and dirty way ! Siyuan Wang ( pvap_atm_280_temp = exp((4.1012 + dB(i)) * ((280./Tb(i)-1.)/(280./Tb(i) - 0.125))*log(10.)) species(ispec)%pvap%delta_H_vap_J_per_mol = & log(pvap_atm_280_temp/species(ispec)%pvap%pvap_atm_298) * & 8.314 / (1./298. - 1./280.) endif enddo !DEALLOCATE (satdat,satid,satname,Tb,dB) DEALLOCATE (satdat,satid,Tb,dB) END SUBROUTINE read_ncdf_pvap !----------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE read_ncdf_henry(ncid) !! subroutine needs to know values of: {maxlsp, mxdep} !! subroutine needs to access routines in ncutil.f !! subroutine DOES NOT need to "use netcdf" integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iddep real, dimension(:), allocatable :: cf, Keff, rf real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: depdat character*(maxlsp), dimension(:), allocatable :: name integer :: nhenry, i, ispec integer :: ncid integer :: mxdep ! read max # of henry ("mxdep") CALL eznc_get_dimension(ncid,"mxdep",mxdep) ! read nhenry ("ndep") CALL eznc_get_0Dint(ncid,"ndep",nhenry) if (nhenry == 0) return allocate(name(nhenry), cf(nhenry), Keff(nhenry), rf(nhenry) ) allocate(iddep(nhenry),depdat(nhenry,3)) !read names ! CALL eznc_get_1Dchar(ncid,"depnam",maxlsp,mxdep,name,1,nhenry) !read depdat(cf, Keff, rf) and distribute into constituent arrays CALL eznc_get_2Dreal(ncid,"depdat",mxdep,3,depdat(1:nhenry,1:3),1,nhenry,1,3) cf=depdat(:,1) Keff=depdat(:,2) rf=depdat(:,3) ! find index for species !... or you could read it from the NetCDF file ... CALL eznc_get_1Dint(ncid,"iddep",mxdep,iddep(1:nhenry),1,nhenry) do i = 1, nhenry ispec = iddep(i) species(ispec)%henry%cf = cf(i) species(ispec)%henry%Keff = Keff(i) species(ispec)%henry%rf = rf(i) enddo ! do i = 1, nhenry ! do j=1, len_trim(phase_letter) ! ispec = find_species_index(phase_letter(j:j)//name(i)(2:7)) ! if (ispec .ne. -1) then ! species(ispec)%henry%cf = cf(i) ! species(ispec)%henry%Keff = Keff(i) ! species(ispec)%henry%rf = rf(i) ! else ! write(6,*) " could not find: ", phase_letter(j:j)//name(i)(2:7) ! write(6,*) " in subroutine read_henry" ! endif ! enddo ! enddo DEALLOCATE (depdat,iddep) END SUBROUTINE read_ncdf_henry SUBROUTINE write_2D_array(array, header, filename) character*(filenames_length), intent(in) :: filename character*(filenames_length) :: full_filename real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: array character*(header_length), dimension(:), intent(in) :: header integer :: i, j if(size(header) /= size(array,2)) then write(6,*) " --error-- header size doesn't fit the data in write_2D_array " stop endif IF(nbox.EQ.1)THEN full_filename = trim(filename)//".csv" ELSE full_filename = trim(boxname)//"_"//trim(filename)//".csv" ENDIF open(write_unit, file =full_filename) write(write_unit,*) (trim(header(i)), ", ", i =lbound(header,1), ubound(header, 1)-1), header(ubound(header, 1)) do i=lbound(array,1), ubound(array,1) write(write_unit,*) (array(i,j), ", ", j = lbound(array,2), ubound(array,2)-1), array(i, ubound(array, 2)) enddo close(write_unit) END SUBROUTINE END MODULE