===================================================================== # Point.log BEGIN 5 Mar 2008 13:29:11 Setting Pointer defaults... BG return: POINTERREPLY LL return: OK-LL 5Mar2008 13:29:12.50 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -21.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 The new lat & lon are: 76.5175 68.7631. Setting pointer degree offsets: 0.0 -7.50 DO return: OK-DO 5Mar2008 13:29:12.51 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 The new offsets are [deg]: 0.0000 -7.5000. CO return: OK-CO 5Mar2008 13:29:12.51 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 OK Setting pointer home positions: 5.0 130.0 HP return: OK-HP 5Mar2008 13:29:12.52 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 The new home positions are: 5.0000 130.0000. # Point.log END 5 Mar 2008 14:23:43 ===================================================================== ===================================================================== # Point.log BEGIN 5 Mar 2008 14:25:06 Setting Pointer defaults... BG return: POINTERREPLY LL return: OK-LL 5Mar2008 14:25:07.01 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -21.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 The new lat & lon are: 76.5175 68.7631. Setting pointer degree offsets: 0.0 -7.50 DO return: OK-DO 5Mar2008 14:25:07.02 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 The new offsets are [deg]: 0.0000 -7.5000. CO return: OK-CO 5Mar2008 14:25:07.02 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 OK Setting pointer home positions: 5.0 130.0 HP return: OK-HP 5Mar2008 14:25:07.04 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 The new home positions are: 5.0000 130.0000. # Point.log END 5 Mar 2008 14:27:12 ===================================================================== ===================================================================== # Point.log BEGIN 5 Mar 2008 14:27:28 Setting Pointer defaults... BG return: POINTERREPLY LL return: OK-LL 5Mar2008 14:27:29.14 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -21.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 The new lat & lon are: 76.5175 68.7631. Setting pointer degree offsets: 0.0 -7.50 DO return: OK-DO 5Mar2008 14:27:29.15 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 The new offsets are [deg]: 0.0000 -7.5000. CO return: OK-CO 5Mar2008 14:27:29.16 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 OK Setting pointer home positions: 5.0 130.0 HP return: OK-HP 5Mar2008 14:27:29.17 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 -7.5000 0.0000 0.0000 76.5175 68.7631 0 0 The new home positions are: 5.0000 130.0000. Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:27:30.43 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.5103 Azimuth [deg W]: -34.7090 with offsets: 5.5103 -42.2090 Volts output: 7.3229 6.3102 DAC counts: 47990 41354 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:28:43.05 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.5495 Azimuth [deg W]: -34.4078 with offsets: 5.5495 -41.9078 Volts output: 7.3178 6.3026 DAC counts: 47956 41304 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:29:44.79 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.5836 Azimuth [deg W]: -34.1559 with offsets: 5.5836 -41.6559 Volts output: 7.3133 6.2963 DAC counts: 47927 41262 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:30:57.07 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.6223 Azimuth [deg W]: -33.8546 with offsets: 5.6223 -41.3546 Volts output: 7.3082 6.2887 DAC counts: 47893 41212 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:31:58.73 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.6545 Azimuth [deg W]: -33.6027 with offsets: 5.6545 -41.1027 Volts output: 7.3039 6.2823 DAC counts: 47866 41170 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:33:10.75 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.6921 Azimuth [deg W]: -33.3053 with offsets: 5.6921 -40.8053 Volts output: 7.2989 6.2748 DAC counts: 47833 41121 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:34:22.79 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.7295 Azimuth [deg W]: -33.0079 with offsets: 5.7295 -40.5079 Volts output: 7.2940 6.2673 DAC counts: 47801 41072 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:35:34.77 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.7681 Azimuth [deg W]: -32.7104 with offsets: 5.7681 -40.2104 Volts output: 7.2889 6.2598 DAC counts: 47767 41023 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:36:46.68 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.8048 Azimuth [deg W]: -32.4129 with offsets: 5.8048 -39.9129 Volts output: 7.2841 6.2522 DAC counts: 47736 40974 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:37:48.73 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.8363 Azimuth [deg W]: -32.1566 with offsets: 5.8363 -39.6566 Volts output: 7.2799 6.2458 DAC counts: 47708 40931 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:39:00.81 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.8725 Azimuth [deg W]: -31.8590 with offsets: 5.8725 -39.3590 Volts output: 7.2751 6.2383 DAC counts: 47677 40882 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:40:12.86 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.9085 Azimuth [deg W]: -31.5613 with offsets: 5.9085 -39.0613 Volts output: 7.2704 6.2307 DAC counts: 47646 40833 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:41:14.60 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.9407 Azimuth [deg W]: -31.3048 with offsets: 5.9407 -38.8048 Volts output: 7.2661 6.2243 DAC counts: 47618 40790 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:42:26.64 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 5.9761 Azimuth [deg W]: -31.0070 with offsets: 5.9761 -38.5070 Volts output: 7.2615 6.2167 DAC counts: 47588 40741 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:43:39.07 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.0117 Azimuth [deg W]: -30.7050 with offsets: 6.0117 -38.2050 Volts output: 7.2568 6.2091 DAC counts: 47557 40691 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:44:50.19 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.0460 Azimuth [deg W]: -30.4112 with offsets: 6.0460 -37.9112 Volts output: 7.2522 6.2017 DAC counts: 47527 40642 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:45:54.22 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.0767 Azimuth [deg W]: -30.1463 with offsets: 6.0767 -37.6463 Volts output: 7.2482 6.1950 DAC counts: 47501 40598 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:46:56.22 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.1077 Azimuth [deg W]: -29.8897 with offsets: 6.1077 -37.3897 Volts output: 7.2441 6.1885 DAC counts: 47474 40556 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:47:58.12 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.1370 Azimuth [deg W]: -29.6330 with offsets: 6.1370 -37.1330 Volts output: 7.2402 6.1820 DAC counts: 47448 40513 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:49:00.21 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.1660 Azimuth [deg W]: -29.3763 with offsets: 6.1660 -36.8763 Volts output: 7.2364 6.1756 DAC counts: 47423 40471 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:50:03.18 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.1953 Azimuth [deg W]: -29.1154 with offsets: 6.1953 -36.6154 Volts output: 7.2326 6.1690 DAC counts: 47398 40428 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:51:15.29 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.2285 Azimuth [deg W]: -28.8171 with offsets: 6.2285 -36.3171 Volts output: 7.2282 6.1614 DAC counts: 47369 40378 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:52:19.33 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.2592 Azimuth [deg W]: -28.5520 with offsets: 6.2592 -36.0520 Volts output: 7.2241 6.1547 DAC counts: 47343 40335 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:53:31.06 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.2918 Azimuth [deg W]: -28.2536 with offsets: 6.2918 -35.7536 Volts output: 7.2198 6.1472 DAC counts: 47315 40285 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:54:32.53 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.3192 Azimuth [deg W]: -28.0009 with offsets: 6.3192 -35.5009 Volts output: 7.2162 6.1408 DAC counts: 47291 40243 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:55:33.98 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.3464 Azimuth [deg W]: -27.7480 with offsets: 6.3464 -35.2480 Volts output: 7.2126 6.1344 DAC counts: 47267 40202 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:56:35.53 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.3737 Azimuth [deg W]: -27.4910 with offsets: 6.3737 -34.9910 Volts output: 7.2090 6.1279 DAC counts: 47244 40159 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:57:47.21 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.4067 Azimuth [deg W]: -27.1924 with offsets: 6.4067 -34.6924 Volts output: 7.2047 6.1204 DAC counts: 47215 40110 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 14:58:59.01 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.4379 Azimuth [deg W]: -26.8938 with offsets: 6.4379 -34.3938 Volts output: 7.2005 6.1129 DAC counts: 47188 40060 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:00:11.07 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.4688 Azimuth [deg W]: -26.5952 with offsets: 6.4688 -34.0952 Volts output: 7.1965 6.1053 DAC counts: 47162 40011 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:01:12.49 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.4947 Azimuth [deg W]: -26.3421 with offsets: 6.4947 -33.8421 Volts output: 7.1930 6.0989 DAC counts: 47139 39969 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:02:14.07 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.5208 Azimuth [deg W]: -26.0849 with offsets: 6.5208 -33.5849 Volts output: 7.1896 6.0924 DAC counts: 47117 39926 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:03:15.54 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.5477 Azimuth [deg W]: -25.8317 with offsets: 6.5477 -33.3317 Volts output: 7.1860 6.0860 DAC counts: 47093 39884 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:04:17.11 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.5734 Azimuth [deg W]: -25.5744 with offsets: 6.5734 -33.0744 Volts output: 7.1827 6.0795 DAC counts: 47071 39842 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:05:18.54 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.5984 Azimuth [deg W]: -25.3211 with offsets: 6.5984 -32.8211 Volts output: 7.1794 6.0731 DAC counts: 47049 39800 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:06:20.15 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.6235 Azimuth [deg W]: -25.0638 with offsets: 6.6235 -32.5638 Volts output: 7.1760 6.0666 DAC counts: 47028 39757 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:07:22.51 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.6485 Azimuth [deg W]: -24.8063 with offsets: 6.6485 -32.3063 Volts output: 7.1728 6.0601 DAC counts: 47006 39715 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:08:26.27 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.6739 Azimuth [deg W]: -24.5406 with offsets: 6.6739 -32.0406 Volts output: 7.1694 6.0534 DAC counts: 46984 39671 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:09:28.11 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.6999 Azimuth [deg W]: -24.2830 with offsets: 6.6999 -31.7830 Volts output: 7.1660 6.0469 DAC counts: 46962 39628 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 15:10:29.79 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: 6.7237 Azimuth [deg W]: -24.0296 with offsets: 6.7237 -31.5296 Volts output: 7.1628 6.0405 DAC counts: 46941 39586 Command status: OK-SP Command response: OK Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 22:38:27.55 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: -5.0074 Azimuth [deg W]: 86.7613 with offsets: -5.0074 79.2613 Volts output: 8.0500 3.2426 DAC counts: 52755 21250 Command status: ER-SP Command response: Elevation -5.007 out of range, resetting to -4.000 Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 22:39:40.00 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: -5.0782 Azimuth [deg W]: 87.0567 with offsets: -5.0782 79.5567 Volts output: 8.0500 3.2352 DAC counts: 52755 21201 Command status: ER-SP Command response: Elevation -5.078 out of range, resetting to -4.000 Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 22:40:42.29 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: -5.1384 Azimuth [deg W]: 87.3076 with offsets: -5.1384 79.8076 Volts output: 8.0500 3.2288 DAC counts: 52755 21160 Command status: ER-SP Command response: Elevation -5.138 out of range, resetting to -4.000 Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 22:41:44.28 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: -5.1986 Azimuth [deg W]: 87.5586 with offsets: -5.1986 80.0586 Volts output: 8.0500 3.2225 DAC counts: 52755 21118 Command status: ER-SP Command response: Elevation -5.199 out of range, resetting to -4.000 Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 22:42:56.68 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: -5.2684 Azimuth [deg W]: 87.8501 with offsets: -5.2684 80.3501 Volts output: 8.0500 3.2151 DAC counts: 52755 21070 Command status: ER-SP Command response: Elevation -5.268 out of range, resetting to -4.000 Date: 5Mar2008 Time: 22:43:58.75 Station Latitude [deg N]: 76.5175 Longitude [deg W]: 68.7631 Elevation Angle: -5.3286 Azimuth [deg W]: 88.1011 with offsets: -5.3286 80.6011 Volts output: 8.0500 3.2088 DAC counts: 52755 21028 Command status: ER-SP Command response: Elevation -5.329 out of range, resetting to -4.000