# Input file for hbin # v003.95 reserve O2 CIA at #49 - read separately # November 2013 sfit4 version # these lines are comments and can be anywhere # # the linelist directory structure is the key to the gas names and the molecule id numbers # those id's and names must be the same in the reference.prf file # eg a files containing hitran lines is read from one subdir in linelist then the molid will be changed # to the 2digit integer 0NN of the subdir name and assumed to be for gas 'abcdef' from subdir 0NN_abcdef # # first input: flag to print out ascii file ( FORTRAN logical T or .TRUE. or F or .FALSE. ) .True. # # next non-comment line is a path to the directory tree where the gas subdirectories are /data/tools/400/linelist.all/ # # next non-comment entry is the number of path/files to look for 99 # # Then the next lines are paths to each gas file that will be searched for lines in the # desired wavenember region # the id numbers are in sfit order - not exactly HITRAN, BUT KEEP these directory names # the files are in HITRAN format (at least for the first 7 parameters) # # tip: put a blank after the '/' to skip that gas or just remove it # 049_O2CIA/o2cia_20060420.101 - this file is a special case, molid & isotope # ids are dealt with differently # 001_H2O/001_H2Oall.atm.2016 002_CO2/002_CO2.atm.2016 003_O3/003_O3.atm.2016 004_N2O/004_N2O.atm.2016 005_CO/005_CO.atm.2016 006_CH4/006_CH4.atm.2016 007_O2/07_hit08.par 008_NO/08_hit08.par 009_SO2/09_hit08.par 010_NO2/10_hit08.par 011_NH3/11_hit08.par 012_HNO3/12_hit08.par 013_OH/13_hit08.par 014_HF/14_hit08.par 015_HCL/15_hit08.par 016_HBR/16_hit08.par 017_HI/17_hit08.par 018_CLO/18_hit08.par 019_OCS/019_OCS.atm.2016 020_H2CO/20_hit08.par 021_HOCL/21_hit08.par 022_HO2/33_hit08.par 023_H2O2/25_hit08.par 024_HONO/ 025_HO2NO2/ 026_N2O5/2007.sudo.n2o5 027_CLONO2/2007.sudo.clono2 028_HCN/23_hit08.par 029_CH3F/ 030_CH3CL/24_hit08_f53.par 031_CF4/2007.sudo.cf4 032_CCL2F2/2007.sudo.ccl2f2 033_CCL3F/2007.sudo.ccl3f 034_CH3CCL3/ 035_CCL4/2007.sudo.ccl4 036_COF2/29_hit08.par 037_COCLF/2007.sudo.coclf 038_C2H6/c2h6_2720_3100.101.27 039_C2H4/38_hit08.par 040_C2H2/26_hit08.par 041_N2/22_hit08.par 042_CHF2CL/2007.sudo.chf2cl 043_COCL2/2007.sudo.cocl2 044_CH3BR/40_hit08.par 045_CH3I/ 046_HCOOH/32_hit08.par 047_H2S/31_hit08.par 048_CHCL2F/ 049_O2CIA/o2cia_20060420.101 050_SF6/2007.sudo.sf6 051_NF3/ 052_OTHER/ 053_OTHER/ 054_OTHER/ 055_OTHER/ 056_OTHER/ 057_OTHER/ 058_OCLO/ 059_F134A/ 060_C3H8/2005ppn.sudo.c3h8 061_F142B/2007.sudo.f142b 062_CFC113/2007.sudo.f113 063_F141B/ 064_CH3OH/39_hit08.par 065_CH3CNPL/2007.sudo.ch3cn 066_C2H6PL/2007.sudo.c2h6pl 067_PAN/2007.sudo.pan 068_CH3CHO/2007.sudo.ch3cho 069_CH3CN/41_hit08.par 070_OTHER/ 071_CH3COOH/ 072_C5H8/ 073_MVK/ 074_MACR/ 075_C3H6/ 076_C4H8/ 077_OTHER/ 078_OTHER/ 079_OTHER/ 080_OTHER/ 081_OTHER/ 082_OTHER/ 083_OTHER/ 084_OTHER/ 085_OTHER/ 086_OTHER/ 087_OTHER/ 088_OTHER/ 089_OTHER/ 090_OTHER/ 091_OTHER/ 092_OTHER/ 093_OTHER/ 094_OTHER/ 095_OTHER/ 096_OTHER/ 097_OTHER/ 098_OTHER/ 099_OTHER/ # # # Galatry parameters # molecule id numbers in these files have to match the sfit molecule id 2 014_HF/14_hit12_Galatry.txt 015_HCL/15_hit12_Galatry.txt # # # CO2 Line mixing parameters for Boone implementation 1 002_CO2/02_hase_lm.dat # # # Speed Dependent Voigt parameter files --- not yet! 0 ! end of file