#----------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: # sbDefaults.ctl # # Purpose: # This is the Default ctl file for the error analysis module located # in Layer1Mods.py # # Notes: # 1) Comments are denoted by '#' # 2) Sb are specified in either native or fractional units. See below # # # Units: # -- Sb for Temperature, SZA, and FOV can either be specified in native # or fractional units. This is controlled by the units flag. # -- Following list shows units for various Sb's: # # Parameter Name Description Units # --------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------- # temperature Temperature Native [Kelvin] or fractional # solshft Solar line shift Native [cm^-1] # solstrnth Solar line strength Fractional # phase Phase Native [Radians] # wshift Wavelength shift Fractional # dwshift Differential Wavelength shift ******Currently NOT implemented***** # sza Solar zenith angle Native [degrees] or fractional ?? # lineInt Line intensity Fractional # lineTAir Line temperature broadening Fractional # linePAir Line pressure broadening Fractional # slope Background slope Native [cm^-1] # curvature Background curvature Native [cm^-2] # apod_fcn Empirical apodization Function Fractional # phase_fcn Empirical phase function Fractional # omega Field of view Native [milliradians] or fractional # max_opd Optical path difference Fractional # zshift Zero level Native [0-1] # profile.gas VMR of retrieval gas Fractional # # Notes: # 1) phase and phase_fcn are different ways to describe the same parameter. # It is not recommended to calculate an error on both simultaneously. # 2) dwshift is currently not functional. Do NOT use. # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Kb_info = temperature TEMPERAT fractional True solshft SolLnShft cm-1 True solstrnth SolLnStrn fractional True phase SPhsErr radians True wshift SWNumShft fractional True wshift IWNumShft fractional True dwshift DWNumShft units_of_point_calc_space True sza SZA fractional False lineInt LineInt fractional False lineTAir LineTAir fractional False linePAir LinePAir fractional False slope BckGrdSlp 1/cm-1 True curvature BckGrdCur 1/cm-2 True apod_fcn EmpApdFcn fractional True phase_fcn EmpPhsFcn fractional True phase_fcn EmpPhsFnc fractional True omega FOV fractional False max_opd OPD fractional False zshift ZeroLev 0-1 True beamamp PEAK_AMP ? True beamperiod CHAN_SEP ? True beamphase ZERO_PH_REF ? True beamslope DELTA_PEAK_AMP ? True #-------# # Flags # #-------# #------------- # Output flags #------------- VMRoutFlg = T MolsoutFlg = T out.total = T out.srandom = T out.ssystematic = T SeInputFlg = T sb.sza.random.scaled = T sb.sza.systematic.scaled = T sb.omega.random.scaled = T sb.omega.systematic.scaled = T file.out.total = Stotal.output file.out.total.vmr = Stotal.vmr.output file.out.srandom = Srandom.output file.out.srandom.vmr = Srandom.vmr.output file.out.ssystematic = Ssystematic.output file.out.ssystematic.vmr = Ssystematic.vmr.output file.out.error.summary = Errorsummary.output file.out.avk = avk.output sb.temperature.random.scaled = F #in Kelvin sb.temperature.systematic.scaled =F #in Kelvin sb.temperature.grid = -0.020 4 6 10 13 25 40 120 sb.temperature.correlation.width = 2 sb.temperature.random = 2 2 4 4 2 3 6 1 sb.temperature.systematic = 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 5 sb.profile.H2O.grid = -0.020 1 6 10 13 25 40 120 sb.profile.H2O.correlation.width = 4 sb.profile.H2O.random = 0.10 0.30 0.60 0.50 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.10 #relative units sb.profile.H2O.systematic = 0.10 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 sb.profile.HDO.grid = -0.020 1 6 10 13 25 40 120 sb.profile.HDO.correlation.width = 4 sb.profile.HDO.random = 0.10 0.30 0.60 0.50 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.10 #relative units sb.profile.HDO.systematic = 0.10 0.4 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 sb.profile.*.grid = -0.02 120 sb.profile.*.correlation.width = 4 sb.profile.*.random = .10 .10 #relative units sb.profile.*.systematic = .10 .10 #relative units sb.omega.* = 0.001 sb.sza.random = 0.005 sb.sza.systematic = 0.001 sb.phase.* = 0.001 sb.wshift.* = 0.001 sb.slope.* = 0.001 sb.curvature.* = 0.001 sb.max_opd.* = 0.0 sb.band.*.zshift.* = 0.01 sb.solshft.* = 0.005 sb.solstrnth.* = 0.01 sb.apod_fcn.* = 0.05 sb.phase_fcn.* = 0.05 sb.line*_*.random = 0. sb.lineInt_CH4.systematic = 0.03 sb.lineInt_CO.systematic = 0.02 sb.lineInt_NO2.systematic = 0.10 sb.lineInt_HNO3.systematic = 0.1 sb.lineInt_O3.systematic = 0.05 sb.lineInt_N2O.systematic = 0.02 sb.lineInt_HCl.systematic = 0.05 sb.lineInt_O3.systematic = 0.05 sb.lineInt_HF.systematic = 0.05 sb.lineInt_OCS.systematic = 0.02 sb.lineInt_NO.systematic = 0.05 sb.lineInt_C2H6.systematic = 0.05 sb.lineInt_HCN.systematic = 0.1 sb.lineInt_ClONO2.systematic = 0.1 sb.lineInt_H2O.systematic = 0.15 sb.lineInt_HDO.systematic = 0.15 sb.lineTAir_*.systematic = 0.05 sb.linePAir_*.systematic = 0.05 #include everything in the error budget, except smoothing!! sb.total.smoothing = F sb.total.* = T