# Input file for pspec.f90 # version V1.1 for sfit4 v0.9.5 October 1 2013 # # pspec.f90 loops through this file and creates an ascii file with a spectra block for # each spectrum that will be fit by sfit4 - the t15asc.4 file # the observation lat lon and altitude are required for each spectrum # Latitude of Observation [+N, 90 - -90] 76.52 # Longitude of Observation[+E, 0 - 360] 68.77 # Altitude of Observation [masl] 225.0 # # output & verbosity flags # oflag - output # = 1 output t15asc file # = 2 bnr file # = 3 both # vflag - verbosity # = 0 no output from baseline correct or zero bnr or block output for plotting # = 1 verbose output from bc and zeroed bnr but no blockout # = 2 verbose, zeroed bnr and blockout for plotting 1 2 # # filter bands and regions for calculating SNR (max 100) # noise value is calculate in the region below that is nearest to the fit microwindow # SNR = (Peak signal in microwindow) / noise # 2 fa 2369.000 2370.000 fb 2924.866 2925.100 # # number of BNR files 1 # # each block contains at least 2 lines: # bnr spectra file name # roe, nterp, rflag, fflag, zflag # # roe - radius of earth [km] # # nterp - zero fill factor # = 0 - skip resample & resolution degradation (regardless of sfit4.ctl:band.n.max_opd value) # = 1 - minimally sample at opdmax # > 1 - interpolate nterp-1 points upon minimal sampled spacing # note: OPD is taken from sfit4.ctl:band.n.max_opd value # # rflag - ratio flag, to ratio the spectra with another low resolution spectral file (eg spectral envelope) # = 0 - no ratio # = 1 - ratio, file is a bnr of same type as fflag below, expected to be resolution of ~10cm-1 # fflag - file open flag # = 0 for fortran unformatted file # = 1 for open as steam or binary or c-type file (gfortran uses stream) # # zflag - zero offset # = 0 no zero offset # = 0 < zflag < 1, use this value for baselincorrect, # = 2 use optimized 2nd polynomial fit to fully absorbed regions in 10m region # # roe, nterp, rflag, fflag, zflag # /data1/tab/20170520/135601.bnr 6397.2 1 0 0 0