&userparams ! vapor pressure exponent below which species partition completely to aerosol. critvp = -13. ! branching ratios below which reaction pathways not considered ! cutoff_default is used if a cutoff_* is not defined ! if cutoff_default is not defined, cutoff_default defaults to 0.05 cutoff_default =.05 cutoff_OH = 0.05 cutoff_O3 = 0.05 cutoff_NO3 = 0.05 temp = 281. maxgen = 20 ! temporary value for Z-E conformation of -CH=CH- alkenes z_conformer_prop = 0.5 / &flags !INTEGER FLAGS (1 or 0) !--------------------- RUN HANDLING --------------------------------- ! flag to write information during the generation of the scheme wtflag = 0 wtopeflag = 0 ! flag to consider only 3 types of peroxys for recombinaison reactions per3_typefg = 0 !--------------------- REDUCTION --------------------------------- ! flag to consider only reaction with NOx for peroxys and acylperoxys high_NOxfg = 0 zero_NOXfg = 0 ! flag to allow substitution by isomers (1) or not (0) iflag = 1 !----------------------- CHEMICAL PATHWAYS------------------------- ! flag to activate DHF formation : 1=DHF running flgdhf = 0 ! flag to activate auto-oxidation of peroxy radicals autoox_fg = 0 ! flag to activate dimerisation dimer_fg = 0 ! flag to activate aerosol partioning aeropart_fg = 1 !flag to activate wall partioning wallpart_fg = 0 !flag to activate isoprene soa formation isopsoa_fg = 0 !flag to activate aerosol photolysis aerophot_fg = 0 !flag to include OFR-specific reactions OFR_fg = 0 !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! INTEGER SELECTION FLAGS ( not 0) !----------------------- SAR ---------------------------------- ! flag to select the vapour pressure estimation method : ! 1 = JR-MY; 2 = nannoolal; 3 = SIMPOL-1 pvap_fg = 2 ! flag to select the alkoxy decomposition estimation method : ! 1 = Atkinson 2007; 2 = Vereecken 2009; kdissfg = 2 kisomfg = 2 ! flag to select the oh add on alkene constant rate estimation method : ! 1 = Peeters 1997; 2 = Ziemann 2009 3 = Magnify : Mike Jenkin SAR; hoadd_c1_fg = 2 ! flag to select criegee intermediates decomposition estimation method ! 1 = Old version; 2 = New Version, CMV 2016 criegee_fg = 1 ! flag to select stable criegee intermediates bimolecular reactions ! 1 = Old version; 2 = New Version, CMV 2016 stab_criegee_fg = 1 !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! flag to select the dynamic or thermodynamic mass transfer method : ! 1 = thermo; 2 = dynamic; masstransfg = 2 ! flag to generate spinup mechanism (i.e. no organic chemistry generation) spinup_fg = 0 !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! flag to select use a spinup/background mechanism found in ../DATA/spinup_mch.dat : spinup_mech = 0 /