!akparameter_module file for mechanism TCFTfull MODULE akparameter_module IMPLICIT NONE !akparameter.h file for mechanism TCFTfull ! max length of species names INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxlsp = 8 ! max length of a printed reaction INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxreac_char = 90 ! max number of species INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxsp = 383429 ! max number of reactants in a reaction INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxleft = 2 ! max number of products in a reaction INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxright = 4 ! max number of reactions INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxre = 1918872 ! max number of reactions with "M" INTEGER,PARAMETER :: max_m = 5 ! max number of fall-off reactions INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxfo = 137 ! max number of reactions with "HV" INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxhv = 108340 ! max number of reactions with "CVAR" INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxcvar = 1 ! max number of reactions with "EXTRA" INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxextra = 3676 ! max number of reactions with "OXYGEN" INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxo2 = 12082 ! max number of ISOMERIZATIONS INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxiso = 27319 ! max number of species undergoing phase equilibrium INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxt = 87776 ! max number of different types of auxiliary information INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxaux = 11 ! max number of different classes of RO2 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxro2 = 9 ! max number of PEROx in a class INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxro2cl = 32450 ! max number of reactions with PEROx INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxrpero = 113943 ! max number of different classes of dimer INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxdimer = 4 ! max number of dimers in a given class INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxrdimer = 1 ! max number of variable coefficients in CVAR type reaction INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxcoe = 30 ! max number of data set in function of temp. in CVAR type reaction INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nset = 4 ! max number of angles in "HV" function INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxang = 12 ! -------------------------- DATA FOR CHROMOPHORE --------------- ! max # of different types of chromophore INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mchromo = 186 ! number of chromophores to be stored in "most used" chromophore ! (the "top" tables) INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mtopchromo = 10 ! max # of species that can be stored in "most used" chromophore ! (the "top" tables) INTEGER,PARAMETER :: msptopchromo = 108340 ! number of chromophores to be stored in "regularly used" chromophore ! (the "med" tables) INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mmedchromo = 500 ! max # of species that can be stored in "regularly used" chromophore ! (the "med" tables) INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mspmedchromo = 108340 ! -------------------------- ! max coefficient for interpolation of the photolytic frequencies INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nlo = maxang*3 ! max number of boxes in the model INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mbox = 2 ! max number of data to compute mixing height INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mhd = 60 ! max number of isurface types INTEGER,PARAMETER :: msur = 4 ! max number of counting species for which stoe. coff. need to be ! evaluated in CVAR application INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mopc = 4 ! max number of positions used to evaluate stoe. coff. for counting ! species from the operator species INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mpos = 6 ! max number of self reactions INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mself = 1910 ! -------------------------- ! max number of species for which kOH is evaluated INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxkOH = 62034 ! max number of species for which kO3 is evaluated INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxkO3 = 7336 ! max number of species for which kNO3 is evaluated INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxkNO3 = 254633 ! max number of species for which Psat is evaluated INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxsat = 87778 ! max number of species for which Vdep is evaluated INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mxdep = 87785 ! -------------------------- ! max number of emitted species INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mes = 60 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxem = 60 ! max number of emitted times INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mtim = 25 ! max number of spp assessing prod & loss rates INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mtr = 100 ! max number of species that can be constrained INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxconst = 20 ! max number of lines for datapoints for constrained species INTEGER,PARAMETER :: maxinput = 1500 ! -------------------------- ! structure for external data used to constrain ! species emissions, concentrations, deposition... ! with possibility for using an input file TYPE species_data LOGICAL :: activefg CHARACTER(LEN=maxlsp):: name CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: unit INTEGER :: index,npoints REAL :: table(maxinput,2) END TYPE !structure for storing surface data (emissions for now ! TODO later: add deposition data... TYPE surface_data INTEGER :: nemis TYPE(species_data) :: emission(maxem) END TYPE END MODULE akparameter_module