Function geov_version return , '4.7h' End Function geov_info return , [ $ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------',$ ' GEOV: IDL-based viewer for geophysical data in netCDF format ',$ ' Luca Cinquini, Martin Schultz, Francis Vitt, Stacy Walters ',$ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------',$ ' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ',$ ' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the',$ ' Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or (at your ',$ ' option) any later version. ',$ ' The GEOV package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ',$ ' WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBI-',$ ' LITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public ',$ ' License for more details. ',$ ' To obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License, write to: ',$ ' Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ',$ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------',$ ' Author contact information: ',$ ' ',$ ' Stacy Walters, NCAR/ACD, P.O.Box 3000, Boulder, CO, 80307-3000, USA ',$ ' email: ',$ ' ',$ ' Francis Vitt, NCAR/ACD, P.O.Box 3000, Boulder, CO, 80307-3000, USA ',$ ' email: ',$ ' ',$ ' Luca Cinquini, NCAR/ACD, P.O.Box 3000, Boulder, CO, 80307-3000, USA ',$ ' email: ',$ ' ',$ ' Martin Schultz, MPI-Met, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg ',$ ' email: ',$ ' ',$ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------',$ ' Copyright (C) 2001 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ',$ ' and Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg ',$ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' $ ] End ; ========== include two library routines to avoid !path problems ========= ; routine_name: return the name of the currently active routine and the filename ; from where it has been compiled function routine_name,filename=filename,caller=caller ; extract the name of the current routine from the caller stack ; the first element will always be ROUTINE_NAME ;-) help,call=c caller = keyword_set(caller) i = 1 + caller if (i ge n_elements(c)) then return,'No caller for $MAIN$' thisroutine = strsplit(strcompress(c[i])," ", /EXTRACT) if (n_elements(thisroutine) gt 1) then filename = thisroutine[1] $ else filename = '' ; cut < and ( brackets from filename info len = strlen(filename) filename = strmid(filename,1,len-2) return,strlowcase(thisroutine[0]) end ; extract_path: seperate the filename from the directory information function extract_path,fullname,filename=filename ; determine path delimiter if (strcmp(!version.os_family,'windows',/fold_case) eq 1) then sdel = '\' else sdel = '/' path = '' filename = '' retry: ; look for last occurence of sdel and split string fullname p = strpos(fullname,sdel,/Reverse_Search) ; extra Windows test: if p=-1 but fullname contains '/', retry if (p lt 0 AND strpos(fullname,'/') ge 0) then begin sdel = '/' goto,retry endif if (p ge 0) then begin path = strmid(fullname,0,p+1) filename = strmid(fullname,p+1,strlen(fullname)-1) endif else $ filename = fullname return,path end ; ========== this is the geov_init routine ================================ PRO igeov defsysv, '!geov_version', exists=geov_forever if not geov_forever then defsysv, '!geov_version', geov_version() dummy = routine_name(file=geovfile) parentdir = extract_path(geovfile) print,'GEOV version '+String(!geov_version)+', parentdir = ',parentdir if (strpos(!path,parentdir+'geov') lt 0) then !path = !path + ':' + expand_path('+' + parentdir) ; set IDL to not warn about math exceptions !EXCEPT=0 ; start GUI for file selection manager = obj_new('geov_manager') END